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这次活动的成功与否,左右着我们未来的发展。The success of this event will greatly influence our future development.

你的选择将左右你未来的职业发展。Your choice will determine your future career development.

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她的态度和表现左右了她是否被录取。Her attitude and performance will decide whether she is admitted or not.

良好的时间管理可以左右一个项目的成败。Effective time management can make or break a project.

这个决定可能左右整个团队的情绪和工作效率。This decision could impact the team's morale and productivity.

产品的品质将直接左右销售额的增长。The quality of the product will directly affect sales growth.

你的行为举止会左右你在公司的声誉。Your behavior will influence your reputation in the company.

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环境因素对植物生长有着重要的左右作用。Environmental factors play a crucial role in plant growth.

他的建议左右了公司未来战略的制定。His advice had a significant impact on the formulation of the company's future strategy.

家庭教育对孩子的成长有着不可忽视的左右作用。Family education plays an undeniable role in a child's growth.