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他左右手都能写字。He could write with either hand.

她的手突然走到了一起,她左右手分别有条不紊的弹奏着,就是这么简单。Her hands suddenly came together?

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在一个朋友的空间上看见了左右手定则。I use my left hand to refuse you.

先进的彩弹玩家可以用左右手火。Advanced paintball players can fire with either hand.

侧面采用橡胶,曲面形状设计左右手操控均宜,握感舒适。Rubber side grips and a contoured shape for either hand.

牛德彩断定是周轶夫要干掉他的左右手。The cow is determined to be a week to kill his left hand.

自此,小嘉、家强、浩勤成为欢喜的左右手。Since then, a small fine, strong home, HaoQin become joys right-hand man.

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我女儿是双手灵活的人,因为她左右手都能画。My daughter is an ambidexter , because she can draw pictures with either hand.

分左右手,佩戴更舒适,底线面线都是粗线。Points left and right, to wear more comfortable, the bottom line is thick noodles.

只需大拇指即可完成容量的设定与锁定——左右手同样的方便!Set and lock the volume, pipetting, ejecting – all without shifting hand position!

这个艾伦·布雷克是个大胆的、不顾死活的家伙,大家都知道他是詹姆斯的左右手。This Alan Breck is a bold, desperate customer, and well known to be Jame's right hand.

胸前内藏金属工具四把,左右手部可以发射飞弹。Chest former Inner Tibet metal tool four, about the hand may launch the guided missile.

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这个艾伦布雷克是个大胆的、不顾死活的家伙,大家都知道他是詹姆斯的左右手。This alan breck is a bold, desperate customer, and well known to be james's right hand.

左右手的双倍刺激将给予她多而多之的快感。The dual stimulation of right and left hands will provide much pleasure for the receiver.

左右手操控均宜,这种灵巧的外观设计能同时支持左右手使用习惯。Use your mouse with your left or right hand—ambidextrous design makes it comfortable either way.

他在工作上非常仰赖他的朋友约翰.华生医师,华生同时也是备受福尔摩斯信赖的左右手。For much of his career, Holmes relied on Dr. John H. Watson, his friend and trusted right-hand man.

一段时间都认为,左撇子和左右手都很灵巧的人更容易产生负面情绪。It's been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.

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长久以来,我们认为左撇子和左右手通用的人更容易出现负面情绪。It’s been known for some time that lefties and the ambidextrous are more prone to negative emotions.

说明正常人左右手之间及不同手指之间的皮温没有差异,可以测量某一手指皮温来代替手部皮温。This suggested that we could measure the temperature of a finger to indicate the temperature of the hand.

您会受到他们的软件、操作系统、显示器大小甚至是左右手使用习惯的限制。You're limited by their software, their operating system, their monitor size, even their right- or left-handedness.