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为什么广大的客户会选择河套哈密瓜呢?Why do the majority of customers choose to do Hetao Melon?

如果你真的需要,你可以订到河套断。If you really need to, you can set it to loop continuously.

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河套人人和鸟的大战要坚持到晚上十一二点。In all birds and war to adhere to ten in the evening one or two.

对不同生长调节物质对河套蜜瓜器官培养的影响进行了研究。Effects of different growth regulator on organ culture of Cucumis melo var.

河套是一个查勒克,采用一回路,使更多的方便和灵活。The Loop is a chalker that uses a loop to make it convenient and more versatile.

不同光质在河套蜜瓜茎尖培养中,以红兰混合光对嫩茎的形成有明显的效果。Mixing light had great effect on the formation of young stem in meristem culture.

我,出生在阴山脚下、母亲河之畔富庶的内蒙古河套平原-陕坝镇。I was born in Yinshan at the foot of the Crescent River affluent Hetao Plain -Shanba town.

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爪哇做了类似的爪哇虽然环路环路、除了测试,而在内心发生河套。Java do loop is similar to the Java while loop, except that the while test happens at the bottom of the loop.

由于河套高压是一个水平尺度较小的移动性系统,所以高温持续天数较短。The Hetao High is a relatively small and locomotive system, so hot weather usually sustains only several days.

桌子山岩画可能形成于新石器时代,作者是河套人及其后裔。The petroglyphs in "The Table Mountain"were created in the New Stone Age by the Hetao Ren and their descendants.

鄂尔多斯地区是著名的“河套文化”发源地,这里生长着许多珍稀植物,特别是古老残遗植物。Erdos is well known for the river civilization and many endangered plants growing specially the old relic plants.

太湖应天河套闸地基土性复杂,淤泥质粘土中富含有机质,土壤呈酸性。The foundation soil of Yingtian River lock is complex. The muddy clay comprises organic soil and the soil is acid.

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位于包头市东南部的河套平原适合农业机械化作业,有着农业建设的良好条件。Hetao is a plant of agricultural mechanization in the southeast of Baotou, which has good conditions for agriculture.

北区,画廊,餐厅和公寓在芝加哥市中心以北的河套附近装修。North area, a renovated neighborhood of galleries, restaurants and condominiums north of The Loop in downtown Chicago.

模拟结果显示,河套灌区水循环过程为一种“负水平衡”的垂向水循环。The results indicate the hydrologic cycle in Hetao irrigation area was a negative balance present in vertical direction.

文章最后提出了河套高压的形成还可能和高空急流的动力加压有关。At last, the paper pointed out that the formation of the Hetao High might be associated with dynamically pressure increase.

本文讨论了河套盆地断裂活动的基本特征及其与油气的关系。研究表明,河套盆地主要为一新生代的断陷盆地。The characteristics of the fault activity in Hetao Basin and ist relation with oil and gas have been studied in this paper.

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西夏雄踞西北,抗衡辽、宋、金三国,长久立国的一个重要原因是西夏拥有河套地区。Xixia stood firmly in Northwest China with Liao, Song and Jin, an important reason behind is that it occupied Hetao region.

利用1985年和2000年的土地利用数据,对内蒙古河套灌区的土地利用变化及景观格局变化进行了研究。Based on land use data of 1985 and 2000 in Hetao Irrigation District, land use change and landscape pattern change were analyzed.

针对风积沙加固河套地区的特殊不良路基地基的应用技术研究,阐述了将风积沙用于路基不良地基的加固处理技术。This article describes the application technology for consolidating the special poor subgrade in the Hetao Area with wind-blown sand.