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为什么实行夏时制的日子被称为“绿色日子”?Green days.

我们实行的工作是两班倒。We work in two shifts.

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为什么实行两党制?Why a Two-Party System?

看看美国实行禁烟令有什么效果吧?Ok, let's come to the point.

我们实行的工作是两班制。We are running on two shift.

同意对法官实行选举。Agreed on election of judges.

中国实行独生子女政策。China has single-child policy.

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斐济实行两院制议会。Fiji"s Parliament is bicameral.

这必须付诸实行。This must be put into practice.

实行最佳实践。Implementation of best-practices.

领主有权实行监护。The lord was entitled to wardship.

那个国王对其人民实行暴政。The king domineers over his people.

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我们必须将计划付诸实行。We must put our plans into practice.

我实行了“不计后果的消费至上主义”么?Do I practice “reckless consumerism”?

土鳖还实行不公平的贸易政策。It engages in unfair trade practices.

他们在1952年实行了土改。They carried out land reform in 1952.

我们不会实行童婚。We shall not practice child marriage.

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黑暗与光明将会实行永久死亡吗?Will Dark & Light feature Perma death?

英国已不再实行国民兵役制。Britain no longer has national service.

他没有把他的计划付诸实行。He fails to put his plan into practice.