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欲领导他人的人必须先统御自己。He who would lead must first command himself.

这个危机源自于统御领导的失败吗?Did this crisis stem from a governance failure?

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领导统御事实上无法传授,它只能被学习。Leadership can't really be taught. It can only be learned.

男人通过统御女人来找到并创造他们的天性。Men find and produce their nature for dominance via women.

使用此剑者可以降伏诸候,统御天下。He who uses this sword can overwhelm marquis and rule all countries.

卿大夫家族是国君统御之下规模最大的贵族阶层。Qingdafu is the largest-scale noble class under the leadership of the king.

要进行交配仪式的话,我们需要四只,不,五只羊一个侏儒还有统御法杖。Okay, for mating ritual, we will need 4, no 5 sheep, 1 gnome and Staff of Domination.

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推理使我们能统御遍布零散事件、事物和观念的世界。Reasoning enables us to get beyond a world of innumerable separate events, objects, and ideas.

如果能听从我的统御方法,就可以驾驭三军之众。If they listen to my techniques of management of troops, he can control the whole army as well.

这种文化观反对科学理性对价值文化领域的统御,并提出了“回向常识”的价值文化建构模式。Lin held an anti-science culture view, which is against the regulatory of science logos in the art field.

固然,军队的严格的纪律与合理的统御是必需的,但是不够的,还要求政治工作的配合。Rigid discipline and rational control are indeed essential, but they have to be combined with political work.

它正在欧洲的外交事务上寻求强有力的龙头地位,即使德意志联邦银行已经统御了欧洲的经济力量。It is assuming a forceful leadership role in European foreign policy even as the Bundesbank rules Europe's economic roost.

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吾国统御三大印度,直达最远之印度,即圣托马斯长眠之地。Our magnificence dominates the Three Indias, and extends to Farthest India, where the body of St. Thomas the Apostle rests.

它让人随时有准备上路的能量,同时统御我们的直觉和心灵层面。It equips mankind with adequate energy for a long journey, on the other hand, our intuition and soul are reined in by the fire.

具备沟通、表达、管理、规划、合作、分工、协调、整合及领导统御之能力。To acquire the capability of communication, expression, management, cooperation, team work, coordination, integration, and leadership.

前者从生命人格意义上言,后者从拥有统御天下之大位意义上言。The former is considered from the aspect of significance of integrity and the latter from the position governing the world under heaven.

统御每点加10人,现在声望能使你带更多人。同时也允许王国英雄部队更大一些。Leadership is worth 10 units per skill level, and renown now lets you have more units, also allowing the Kingdom hero parties to be bigger.

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尤其,要培养人的领导统御能力,大学的全人教育、通识教育更绝对不能少。Subjects in general education are very important for university students besides knowledge and skill, especially when leadership is emphasized.

统御异界的黑暗之王啊,依循着您的碎片,藉由您所有的力量,以我的血为契约,赐与我更强的魔力吧!The dark king of the different circle, following your chip, with all of your strength, Regard my blood as the agreement, give me stronger magic power!

她们还说,她们缺乏统御人民的能力,即便她们想去领导,只怕会被同侪嘲笑或被指跋扈专横、爱乱指挥,会引起民怨沸腾。They also said they lack the ability to command people and, if they tried to do so, they would be laughed at by their peers or seen as bossy and make people mad.