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他被判处3年徒刑。He was given 3 years.

他因持械抢劫而服七年徒刑。He served seven years for armed robbery.

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他服了五年的徒刑。He has served five years of his sentence.

然而他们中的有三个人每人被判了八年徒刑。Yet three of them got eight years apiece.

他因在武汉犯案,被判了三年徒刑。He got three years for a job he did in Wuhan.

检察官要求判处他40年徒刑。Prosecutors had asked for a 40-year sentence.

德米扬鲁克被判处五年徒刑。Demjanjuk was sentenced to five years in prison.

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2008年陈良宇被判处18年徒刑。Chen was sentenced to 18 years in prison in 2008.

他承认有罪,被判处五年徒刑。He pled guilty and received a five-year sentence.

“雨刷”被判四年徒刑。The Windshield Wiper is serving a four-year sentence.

那个骗子被判了三年徒刑。Thee humbug was sentenced to three years' imprisonment.

他们对他进行了审讯,并判处他10年徒刑。They tried him and sentenced him to 10 years in prison.

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那些珠宝盗窃犯被判处两年徒刑。The jewel thieves were sentenced to two years in prison.

他对被判五年徒刑发起上诉。He appealed against the five-year sentence he had been given.

若是判罪,则该人将判处一年徒刑。If convicted, the violation carries a one-year jail sentence.

他正向高等法院提出上诉,希望能将徒刑易科罚金。He's appealing to the High Court to reduce his sentence to a fine.

法官可能因为这件谋杀案判他二十五年徒刑。The judge could give him twenty-five years to life for the murder.

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T博士和那个女人!多20年徒刑!法警,把他们带走!And 20 extra years for Dr. T and the Women! Bailiff, take him away!

但公认的前中情局驻米兰负责人则被判处8年徒刑。But the reputed former CIA head in Milan got an eight-year sentence.

入店行窃之类的犯罪活动将处以3至5个月的徒刑。A crime like shoplifting is to be rapped with 3-5 months' imprisonment.