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不好意思Excuse me.

丹尼尔,不好意思。Daniel. I'm sorry.

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不好意思,“以为“?I'm sorry, "think"?

我不好意思浪费了你们时间。I wasted your time here.

好了,我们继续吧,不好意思Okay, here we go. Sorry.

不好意思,那是哪儿?Excuse me, where is that?

不好意思,布莱恩!我迟到了!Sorry, Bryanna! I'm late.

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你真得很厉害。-你好,不好意思。You did good. -Hi. Sorry.

不好意思,我先看到他。I'm sorry. I saw him first.

不好意思,我的记性很差。Sorry! I have a bad memory.

哦,我用的是H,不好意思。Oh, I'm using H. Forgive me.

克莱尔显得有些尴尬“不好意思,是我心急了。Clare is abashed. “I’m sorry!

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竞争没什么不好意思的。The competition isn't bashful.

不好意思,那是一只老鼠吗?Excuse me, but is that a mouse?

不好意思,原来是我错怪你了。I am sorry to have wronged you.

但是一直不好意思开口。I was kind of afraid to ask it,

唉呀,不好意思。我们的位子在哪啊?Oh, sorry. Where are our seats?

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但是我又不好意思乱摸…。But I was afraid of touching it!

不好意思请稍等。Embarrassedly please wait a bit.

哦,不,真不好意思。No I can't. That's embarrassing.