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这种病症难以确诊。The case defies diagnosis.

医生确诊他精神失常。The doctor certified him insane.

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美国226宗确诊个案,一人死亡。USA with 226 cases and one death.

确诊一周后,汉娜上了手术台。Hannah was operated on a week later.

单纯手术组,确诊后直接手术。Surgery group received operation only.

后经DSA或MRI确诊为颈动脉海绵窦瘘。Finally they were confirmed by DSA or MRI.

如何鼻螨确诊为患?。How is a nasal mite infestation diagnosed?

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该病无特异的临床症状,术前极难确诊。The disease has no apparant clinic symptoms.

胶质细胞瘤的确诊就像是一纸死刑判决书。A diagnosis of glioblastoma is a death sentence.

和客户共同确诊原因所在并解决问题。Co-work with customer to source it, and solve it.

确诊一年以后,父亲已是骨瘦如柴。One year after his diagnosis, my dad was skeletal.

但他很容易就会被确诊为亚斯普杰氏症候群。He could easily have been diagnosed with Asperger's.

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墨西哥确诊个案数字达942宗,29人死亡。In Mexico there were totally 942 cases with 29 deaths.

美国确诊个案上升至403宗,一人死亡。In USA confirmed cases had risen to 403 with one death.

黑素瘤确诊的时间早晚极大地影响着治愈的概率。Time of detection greatly effects melanoma's cure rate.

该新确诊病例使土耳其的病例总数增至21例。The newly confirmed case brings the total in Turkey to 21.

确诊过了一个月,他们就去了巴黎迪斯尼乐园。A month after the diagnosis, they went to Disneyland Paris.

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确诊砷中毒以从尿、头发、指甲中检出砷化物为依据。Arsenic in urine and hair or nails is the key to diagnosis.

帕特里克于2008年1月被确诊患有胰脏癌。Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January 2008.

因为确诊后的第一个五年时间是病情的缓解期。Remission is the first five years immediately after diagnosis.