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他是个庸俗的男人。Es un hombre muy vulgar.

这是一个庸俗的故事。This is a four-letter story.

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乔是一个爱招摇的,庸俗的人。Joe is a loud, vulgar person.

这本书有庸俗旳味道。This book has plebeian tastes.

这本书有庸俗的味道。This book has plebeian tastes.

我不喜欢这种庸俗低级的笑话。I hate this kind of cheap humour.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is addicted to dirty entertainment.

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在这里,喧哗吵闹、低级庸俗的谈话是绝对行不通的。Loud crude talk is a definite no-no here.

那样子就像歌唱演员表演似的,完全是庸俗的炫耀。It was just his vulgar way of showing off.

提供这样的反馈既不粗鲁,也不庸俗。To give such feedback is not rude or vulgar.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He addicted to the lavatorial entertainments.

许多人认为这种笑话是低级庸俗的。Many people find this sort of joke distasteful.

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文化部部长蔡武抨击庸俗文化乱象。Minister hits at 'vulgarity' in culture sector.

最庸俗的马屁精也未敢讨好。That even its grossest flatterers dare not praise.

前些天,有人给我一条既粗鲁又庸俗的评论。The other day I got a very rude and vulgar comment.

我们只是觉得他们无聊、对他们没感觉、认为他们庸俗而已。We just find them boring, uninspiring, and mundane.

低级的剧场,一个集高度庸俗与粗俗生活于一体的世界。The cheap theatre a world of high camp and low life.

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贪婪,歧视和庸俗没有灵魂。The greed, discrimination and vulgarism are not souls.

他迷恋低级庸俗的娱乐活动。He is infatuated with junior and vulgar entertainments.

粗俗的,庸俗的,普通的,通俗的,本土的。We should rid ourselves of the vulgar ways of logrolling.