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这无疑是人工降雨的后果。It can definitely be a consequence of cloud seeding.

为争取更多降雨,中国人甚至用到了人工降雨技术。In an effort to bring more rain, the Chinese have even used rain-making techniques.

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随着中国严峻干旱的持续,许多城市求助于人工降雨。As China's severe drought continues, many cities are turning to artificial rainfall.

她认为,即使是人工降雨,很大程度上还是要靠运气和巧合。She believes that even with raincloud seeding, much depends on luck and coincidence.

当作物产量受气候影响大的时候,政府也计划实施人工降雨。The government also plans to carry out artificial precipitation when weather permits.

许多都了人工降雨,但难以证实其作用。Artificial rainmaking is practised in many countries but its success is hard to prove.

为了应对这种天气,16个城市和县实行人工降雨。In response, cloud seeding operations are being carried out in 16 cities and counties.

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无情的旱灾催发了中国人工降雨火箭的需求。The unrelenting drought has boosted southern China's demand for cloud seeding rockets.

人工降雨的短期及长期效果都难以评估。The results of the seeding technology both shortcoming and long-term are difficult to assess.

向云中喷洒化学药剂,不管是要人工降雨或消雨,都是一门要求精确的科学。Cloud seeding, whether to induce or suppress precipitation, is anything but a precise science.

这些官员鼓励地方政府继续采用人工降雨技术。Agency officials encouraged local governments to make continued use of weather-modifying techniques.

并进行了大量的人工降雨侵蚀实验,分析降雨坡面产流产沙过程和特征。It also analyses the erosion principle and process with experiment of erosion inspired by artificial rainfall.

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中国江西唯一的一家人工降雨火箭制造商,加班加点以求赶上需求。The only cloud seeding rocket-maker in east China's Jiangxi province is working around the clock to meet the demand.

本文对福建省古田水库地区1975—1986年人工降雨试验效果进行总评价。The randomized cloud seeding experiments from April to June of 1975-1986 were taken in Gutian Reservoir Area, Fujian.

世界上很多国家广泛应用人工降雨技术试图控制大自然。The cloud seeding technology is widely used by many countries of the world in an attempt to establish control over nature.

上周末,至少7个省实施了人工降雨,以缓解旱情。Artificial means were employed to create rain in at least 7 provinces during the past weekend to alleviate the rare drought.

根据在黄土塬坡上进行的野外大型人工降雨径流产沙试验的观测资料,分析并建立了坡面上雨滴击溅产沙模型。Based on the experiment of artificial precipitation on the slope in the Loess Plateau a model of splash erosion has been built.

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天旱了,我会用人工降雨的方法来浇灌草原,使草地永远保持嫩绿的颜色。Drought, and I would use artificial rainfall method to irrigate grassland, so that the grass always maintain the verdant color.

比如说,对纽约市进行人工降雨可能意味着在该市上风不过几英里处进行一次撒播作业。For example, the artificial modification of rain at New York City may suggest a seeding activity just a few miles upwind of the metropolis.

中国古代的臣民曾以为他们的皇帝能够通过祈祷让老天下雨,而当今的中国官员则更相信科学,对其号称是全球最大人工降雨项目的投入也迅速加大。CHINESE emperors were once thought by their subjects able to make it rain with their prayers. Chinese officials today put more trust in science.