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我自己下棋下得很臭I, myself, stink at chess.

他会下棋。He knows how to play chess.

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我看见他们正在下棋。I watched them playng the chess.

下棋是一个很好的例子。Chess-playing was a good example.

凯比比保罗下棋下得好。Kay plays chess better than Paul.

当等待植物生长时,可以下下棋。Play checkers while the plants grow.

我们下棋来打发晚上的时间。We played chess to pass the evening.

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你们下棋的瘾头可真不小。You are really keen on playing chess.

我们常常以下棋作为消遣。We often recreated ourselves with chess.

下棋计算机能下过人吗?。Could a computer ever beat a human at chess?

他把下棋的初步知识教给儿子。He initiated his son into the game of chess.

下棋的宗旨就是击败对手。In chess, the idea is to unzip your opponent.

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这两个退休工人正在下棋。The two retired workers are playing at chess.

下棋程序也是这样工作的That's how chess-playing programs work as well.

毕竟愿意下棋的唯一理由,就是那在棋盘上斗智的过程。The only reason to play was the process of playing.

除了下棋,电脑还可以做许多事情Computers can do other sorts of things of this sort.

大树下坐着两个老头正在下棋。Under a big tree seated two old men playing at chess.

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虽然我年仅八岁,但我喜欢看他们下棋。Although I was only eight, I liked watching them play.

他喜欢下棋,打桌球He loved to play chess and he loved to play billiards.

我讨厌跟他下棋,因为他都耍赖。I hate to play chess with him because he always cheats.