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以便对下游的影响达到最小。So it is least that influence upon downriver.

中西部的洪水威胁现在正向下游移动。Flood fears in the Midwest are now moving downriver.

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中国对水的需求同样使得下游国家感觉到了压力。China's quest for water has stressed downriver countries as well.

但是在10月5日,这宁静被发现漂向下游浮尸的目光打破了。But the serenity was shattered on October 5th by the sight of corpses floating downriver.

在地扪河下游的一个山寨里,一位妇女作着古老的手工抄纸手艺活。In a village downriver from Dimen, a woman practices the ancient art of making paper by hand.

20世纪90年代,这条河每年向下游排放超过1亿磅的有毒物质。During the 1990s, this river discharged over 100 million pounds of toxics downriver each year.

狭窄的峡谷会起到放大岩石塌落所激起水浪的作用,引发下游巨浪。Narrow valleys could amplify a wave set off by falling rocks, sending a wall of water downriver.

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当格里夫发话到下游说他需要人教他儿子武艺时,哈利推荐了我。When Griff sent word downriver that he needed someone to help train his son to arms, Harry sent him me.

树中的节点失效后其下游的节点将不能接收到分组,使得系统变得脆弱。When one or more nodes fail, the downriver nodes can' t receive the packet, which makes the system frailness.

当Tillamook救火队员拿着手电筒向水面照去,他们发现更远的河下游的地方有一辆淹没一半的汽车。As Tillamook firefighters' flashlights swept across the water, they landed on a partially submerged car farther downriver.

中西部地区的水患正在想下游地区转移,伊利诺伊州国民警卫队正在帮助昆西地区填补沙袋防洪。Flood fears in the Midwest are now moving downriver. The Illinois Army National Guard is helping with sandbagging duties in Quincy.

金山坝作为分洪闸下游阻水障碍时,其破除不会有人为的阻力。The Jinshan Dam took when flood-diversion sluice downriver anti- water barrier, it eradicates cannot have the artificial resistance.

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越是上游的企业其成本虚增行为对最终产品价格的影响效应就越大。The cost exaggerating behavior of upriver manufacturer has greater influence on the price of final product than downriver manufacture's.

鲑鱼已经产卵或消耗完的大西洋鲑或其他鲑鱼提高直到进入咸水的时候。在卑诗省也被称为背部流下或下游河川。A spawned out or spent Salmo salar or other salmonid up until the time it enters salt water. Also called dropback or downriver in British Columbia.

冲刷破坏位置绝大多数发生在消力池下游海漫及防冲槽处。Washes out destroys the position overwhelming majority to occur in the toe basin downriver sea inundates and guards against flushes the trough place.

ENPC公司是中国网络能源产品的主流供应商,其最主要下游客户是各大电信运营商。ENPC Company is a main supplier of network power products in China, its most important downriver customer are the telecommunication operators in China.

中国官方通讯社新华社援引泰国当局的话说,中国货船遭到劫持,劫持目的是通过这些船只向湄公河下游走私毒品。China's state-run Xinhua news agency quoted Thai authorities as saying the Chinese cargo vessels were hijacked in an attempt to smuggle drugs further downriver.

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专家们警告灾民特别注意毒蛇的出没,因为已经有数千只有毒动物被冲到下游。Experts are warning people in the affected areas to be on the lookout for poisonous snakes, as thousands of the deadly animals will now have been washed downriver.

胡杨是塔里木河下游唯一优势乔木植物,是应急输水生态恢复的核心植物之一。The diversiform-leaved poplar is the Tarim River downriver onlysuperiority magaphanerophytes, is one of core plants which the emergency water distribution ecology restores.

一条小鱼即使在帮助鱼类通过水坝的鱼梯帮助下成功地进入上游区域,当她成年后来到下游,也可能会被大坝的发电涡轮机吸进去。Even if a young eel, aided by fish ladders, succeeds in getting upriver, when she comes downriver as an adult, she may be sucked into a dam's electricity-generating turbines.