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我已尽了我的责任。I lave done my duty.

我们上峰有指示,让他们闹去吧。We've instructions to lave them be.

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我有许多有趣的故事书。I lave a lot of interesting storybooks.

你的流水如此顽皮,濯涤着她洁白的双足。How wanton thy waters her snowy feet lave.

希望一切能够重来,因为亲爱的,我想你。I hopes not to lave cause baby I miss you.

一定注意在你离开十关掉煤气。See to it that the gas is turned off when you lave.

平静了三年的火山突然喷出浓烟和熔岩。The volcano spurts smoke and lave after 3 years of silence.

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绿色的窗纱和白边窗帘将里面的一切都遮住了。The green wire gauze and the white lave curtain screened everything inside.

竹君的声音,与之前和沐小小说话时,似乎有些不同。The voice of bamboo gentleman, with previous with lave small novel words, appear some dissimilarity.

卡耐基-梅隆大学经济学教授莱斯特莱夫称经济危机迫使了这种改变的迅速发生。Carnegie Mellon UniversityEconomics Professor Lester Lave says the economic crisis made the change urgent.

现在,满秦跟着秋子初去月沐湖,花骑现在就驻扎在那里。Now, full Qin follows the son beginning in autumn to lave lake to the month, the flower rides now station over there.

游泳。这可是无法想像的特别经历,但居然就让我们遇到了。We were able to swim in the Lave Tube due to the effect of Queensland flooding. This unusual experience is unforgettable.

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而且,大多数企业并没有过多地去关注社会责任,缺乏对环境的保护意识。Moreover, many companies do not focus much on social responsibility, and lave shortage of environmental protection awareness.

但同时也有一些不良的东西如拜金主义、享乐主义等对人们产生着不可忽视的负面影响。But there are some bad things such as money worship, hedonism, and other people lave a right not to be ignored negative impact.

叹息一声,炎烈伸手接住沐小小的身子,挥手打散了扑来的岩浆波浪。Sighing is a , flaming strong stretch hand to question apt lave quite small body, waved hand to blow to spread to rush toward of magma wag.