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禁止买卖儿童的恶法,就是这样的法律。The law prohibits people from trading children is lex injusta.

他是来自美国的莱克斯,这是我在巴基斯坦遇见的唯一的美国人。Lex was American – the only one I met during my time in Pakistan.

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博来科技股份有限公司于1990年在台北成立。In 1990, the headquarters of Lex Computech was established in Taipei.

但一方面,现代商人法的不确定性特征日益突出。But on one hand, the uncertain characteristic of Lex Mercatoria has exposed by and by.

日本无线电曾四次报道莱克斯女士沉没了。但她继续作战。Japanese radio reported four times that the Lady Lex had been sunk. But she kept on fighting.

多数原则,即多数裁定原则,是民主决策的关键性规则。The majority principle, the lex majoris parties, is the key rule of democratic decision-making.

在被盗艺术品跨国争议中,物之所在地法是被盗艺术品的所有权判定的主要依据。A general principle lex situs is applied to determine the ownership of transnational stolen art.

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遗嘱实质上的有效性同样也采用遗嘱所在地法为准据法。The essential validity of a disposition under a will of immovables is also governed by the Lex situs.

毫无疑问的是凯尔特人最终找到了自波西以来最好的锋位摇摆人。It's for sure that the Celtics finally found their swing-man since James Posey , as what Lex would say.

这个陌生人不会讲英语,但给了莱克斯一张名片,据名片上写着他是一名功夫教练。This stranger spoke no English but gave Lex a business card that identified him as a Kung Fu instructor.

如果雷克斯上次有跟我一起去爬雪山的话,我想我中途就放弃了而且还会上山下山一路鬼叫。If Lex went snow-mountain hiking with me, then I might quit in the middle and whine all the way up &down.

现代商人法在国际商事仲裁中适用符合经济全球化、立法统一化的要求。Lex Mercatoria is suitable for the requirements of the economic globalization and legislative unification.

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但在适用过程中,仍要处理好与国内法的关系。In the course of applying modem lex mercatoria, it is necessary to deal with the relationship with domestic law.

而在澳大利亚州际侵权的法律冲突中,侵权行为地法似乎已成为权威的法律适用方式。In the area of interstate torts, the lex loci delicti is becoming the authoritative choice-of-law rule in Australia.

与此相适应,国际私法关于物权变动的法律适用有适用当事人意思自治原则和适用物之所在地法两种立法模式。Accordingly, there are two kinds of legislative mode on the applicable law of change of real right. That is lex voluntatis and lex situs.

在代表正义的神明面前,我们要感谢大家伸出援手,并支持那些受到灾难影响的家庭。On behalf of Lex Luthor, we'd like to thank everybody for reaching into your pockets and supporting the families affected by this disaster.

一般说来,我们将要通过规定的编译工具和另外的某编译器来生成能计算这个算术运算的目标程序。Normally we would use the compiler generator tools lex and yacc to build that part of the program which recognizes an arithmetic expression.

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产品责任作为一种特殊的侵权责任,在传统上适用“侵权行为地法作为准据法”这一国际私法原则。Product liability is a special liability for tort, which applies for "lex loci delicti as lex sausae" principle in private international law.

地法系统是一种新型的技术,基因转化的水生植物浮萍,使生物产品的候选人的表现。The LEX System is a novel technology that genetically transforms the aquatic plant Lemna to enable the expression of biologic product candidates.

地法系统是一种新型的技术,基因转化的水生植物浮萍,使生物候选产品的生产。The LEX System is a novel technology that genetically transforms the aquatic plant Lemna to enable the production of biologic product candidates.