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删除发泡胶一块。Remove Styrofoam piece.

然后我纹理与小岩夫妇的发泡胶。I then texture the styrofoam with a couple of small rocks.

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水性油漆、保丽龙表面材质不适用。Inapplicable to the surface of liquid paint and styrofoam.

用于真空成型法而弯曲成泡沫形状的胶合板。Plywood bent to the shape of a styrofoam form for vacuum forming.

使用发泡胶增加了稳定性和你的傀儡阶段支持。Use Styrofoam for added stability and support for your puppet stage.

我旁观过太多人像丢掉用过的一次性杯子那样把说过的话全都丢弃。I watched too many people throw them away like used-up Styrofoam cups.

尽管如此,城市委员会禁止在任何市办公共设施使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料。However, the City Council had ban Styrofoam at all city owned facilities.

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塑料袋和聚苯乙烯是洛杉矶一个大的环境危害。Plastic bags and Styrofoam are a big environmental hazard in Los Angeles.

确保架线与保丽龙,你们是支持使用。Make sure the frame lines up with the Styrofoam that you are using for support.

周一你将要潜入一箱发泡胶花生和留在那里。On Monday you will want to dive into a box of Styrofoam peanuts and stay there.

塑料鞋子,鞋垫是崎岖不平的发泡胶垫,让我失去重力。Plastic shoes, with uneven Styrofoam pads for soles, throw off my center of gravity.

克服了普通发泡胶易碎、变形、回复性差的缺点。Overcome the ordinary styrofoam fragile, deformation, the shortcomings of poor recycle.

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你要是看到你车里塞了满满的泡沫花生,找他算账就对了。If you find your car filled to the brim with Styrofoam peanuts, forward all hate mail to him.

所以记得,在冬天买西兰花的时候,记得找成捆卖的,而不要买用塑料袋密封包装的。In winter, look for broccoli that's sold in bunches, rather than shrink-wrapped to Styrofoam.

这些食品装在快餐盒里、由一辆皮卡车运输,但不清楚是怎样运进来的。It wasn't clear how the food, carried in takeout styrofoam containers in a pickup truck, got in.

这些聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料还有包装盒每天都产生上千吨的垃圾,然后被投放到当地的垃圾场。Styrofoam and boxes, thousands of tons of garbage is generated daily and added to landfills here.

获取此免费使用发泡胶在兰花盆栽植物如何照顾兰花视频提示。Get tips for using Styrofoam in your orchid plant pot in this free how to care for an orchid video.

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麻醉师拿着一杯泡沫聚苯乙烯咖啡,在我躺下的时候和护士们调着情。The anesthesiologist, holding a Styrofoam cup of coffee, flirted with the nurses while I lay there.

我司目前使用的包材大多数是使用纸类和保丽龙。I am the Secretary of the package materials currently in use is the use of most paper and styrofoam.

你的金色飞贼别忘了加上两个银色的翅膀。Stick two small white or silver feathers into the Styrofoam ball to serve as the wings of the snitch.