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什么是面向消息的中间件?What is message-oriented middleware?

这正是中间件的用武之地。And this is where middleware comes in.

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基于RTCC协议中间件的实现。Accomplishment of middleware based on RTCC protocol.

不过,本教程的重点是中间件层。However, this tutorial focuses on the middleware tier.

我相信这将是企业级中间件的光明大道。I believed it was the way forward for enterprise middleware.

这种消息传递有时称作面向消息的中间件。Such messaging is sometimes called message-oriented middleware.

消息服务类似于一流的中间件原则。Messaging services are analogs of the classic middleware concept.

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在大多数情况下,数据依赖于所使用的中间件。Most of the time the data is dependent upon the middleware being used.

我们的兴趣在于过程管理和中间件基础设施。Our interest is in the process management and middleware infrastructure.

面向消息的中间件非常依赖外围网络安全模型。Message-oriented middleware relies heavily on a perimeter security model.

许多SOA模式都有商用和开源中间件的实现。Many SOA patterns are implemented in commercial and open source middleware.

该架构的核心是一个中间件,文中称该中间件为CORBA代理。The core of the architecture is a middleware that is named the CORBA Proxy.

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最后,对该子系统进一步由实用软件向中间件扩展提供了一个新的思路。At the end, a new idea for the subsystem's extending to middleware is given.

它包含用于承载该实现的中间件基础设施。It encompasses the middleware infrastructure for hosting that implementation.

它减少了定义系统和中间件的接口所需的编码量。It reduces the amount of coding required to interface systems and middleware.

消息传递中间件将消息路由到服务提供者的目的地。The messaging middleware routes the message to the destination of the service provider.

以科学计算网格的中间件为基础,实现了GRM。Based on the grid middleware used by scientific computing grid, the GRM was implemented.

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在使用虚拟系统时,需要挑选所需的中间件组件以及每个组件的数量。With a virtual system, pick the middleware component that is needed and how many of each.

本质上这意味着数据拷贝,这在中间件是十分昂贵的操作应当予以避免。Essentially this is a data copy which in middleware is very expensive and should be avoided.

下面的拓扑关系图显示了我们决定在何处运行中间件产品。The topology diagrams that follow show where we have decided to run our middleware products.