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美存在于欣赏者的眼中。Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

你知道,这种东西逃不过目光专注的人。You know it's always in the eye of the beholder.

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正如“情人眼里出西施”这句谚语一样,人们总是特别关注漂亮的人,其实,人们也会关注长得难看的人。Like beauty, “ugly” is in the eyes of the beholder.

当然,“严肃”不“严肃”也是件仁者见仁的事。Of course, "serious" is in the eye of the beholder.

到目前为止,对于何之为美这个问题,似乎只能用情人眼里出西施来形容。So far, beauty does look like it's in the eye of the beholder.

眼魔法师不需要材料成分就能施展它们的法术。Beholder mages do not require material components to cast their spells.

在一定程度上,干净的代码——像漂亮一样——就是在旁观者眼中所留下的印象。In some ways, clean code -- like beauty -- is in the eye of the beholder.

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一则是天缘,二来是"情人眼里出西施。It's partly fate, and partly a case of "Beauty is in the eye of beholder"

眼魔喜欢将此射线用于它认为真正有威胁的对手。The beholder likes to use this ray on any foe it considers a real threat.

啊,算了吧。你在谈论美丽,而那是情人眼里出西施啊。Aw, c'mon. You're talking about beauty, and that's in the eye of the beholder.

具有此专长的眼魔可以将超魔专长应用于它的眼球射线。A beholder with this feat can apply the effects of metamagic feats to its eye rays.

有人说艺术是一种幽会,因为艺术家和欣赏者可以幽会的乐趣中相识。It has been said that art is a tryst, for in the joy of it maker and beholder meet.

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这个健康的女人背对观赏者躺着,静卧在一个水池旁边的草地上。The nondisabled woman lies with her back to the beholder in the grass next to a pool.

尤其在商务创新领域,创造力,一如美,都是因人而异的。Particularly in business innovation, creativity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

需要言语成分的法术,眼魔法师会吟唱特殊的法歌。The verbal component of a beholder mage's spells is the creature's special spellcasting song.

眼魔通常会授意被魅惑的目标去制止队友,或者在一旁袖手旁观。The beholder generally instructs a charmed target to either restrain a comrade or stand aside.

最好是观众在快递离开了以后才发现这只鞋。The ideal case is that the beholder finds the "lost" shoe only after the currier-man has left.

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有的人情人眼里才是西施,不过分的说,仇人眼里都是西施。Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But, no exaggeration even to a foe , you'd be beautyful.

当构图、光线及曝光都十分出色时,“最佳”实在是个人有个人的标准。When composition, light, and exposure are all superb, "best" truly is in the eye of the beholder.

理论上,具有武僧等级的眼魔法师可以用奥法之手进行徒手攻击。Theoretically, a beholder mage with monk levels could use its arcane hand for its unarmed attacks.