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其直径最大可达12F。Its maximal diameter could reach 12F.

输出最大子立方体的和。The output is the sum of the maximal sub-cube.

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最大的间质浸润深度为4.5毫米。The maximal depth of stromal invasion is 4.5mm.

但是,它们都是最优全局比对。However, they're both maximal global alignments.

努力做到最大化的业务功能耦合性。Strive for maximal decoupling of business functions.

在开发期间,最大化安全性无助于生产。During development, maximal security is not productive.

只要是我在统治,就不会有一个原始兽成为巨无霸的囚犯!No Predacon will become a Maximal prisoner while I rule.

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塔胞藻在光照周期为16L∶8D时生长最快。The alga had the maximal growth at the photoperiod of 16L∶8D.

从技术上讲,间隙是最大的连续空格序列。Technically, a gap is a maximal sequence of contiguous spaces.

首先,拉波波特必须确定怀纳的最大氧气摄入量。First, Rapoport has to determine Wyner's maximal oxygen uptake.

病人继续服用极量的单一口服降糖药。Patients continued single-agent oral therapy at the maximal dose.

这1.5小时的最大睡眠能力差异令人印象深刻。This 1.5-hour difference in maximal sleep capacity is impressive.

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顶层端部开间层间位移最大。The interlayer displacement of end bay of the top story is maximal.

在固定不动的星状线内,有一个最大的三角线在其间滚动。Show how a deltoid of maximal size slides inside a stationary astroid.

峰值ET-1水平与体外循环时间呈正相关。The maximal ET-1 level correlated positively with the duration of CPB.

本文讨论了该下集的极大元及其性质。The properties of maximal elements of the lower segment are discussed.

活动IDH是我的最大和最小的上皮机关。Activity of IDH was maximal and of ME was minimal in epithelial organs.

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边壁原状土体强度可得到最大程度的发挥。And the strength of the original soil of side can get its maximal action.

地中海上的科西嘉岛是法国最大岛屿。Corsica Island on the Mediterranean is maximal island and islet of France.

十万火急我们都希望我们的努力能够得到最大的回报。We all hope that our effort is able to get maximal bringing back a report.