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一群人重新涌入病房。A team of humans re- stream out into sickroom.

病房里有一个氧气瓶,以防万一。There is an oxygen cylinder in the sickroom in case.

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病房刚刚拖过地,并消了毒。The sickroom was freshly swabbed out and disinfected.

砰地一声,病房的门骤然被推开。Bang floor is a , the gate of sickroom is shoved away.

吉莉恩正在病房护理加文的手脚。Gilian is nursing Gavin hand and foot in the sickroom.

术后护理分为病房护理、健康指导以及饮食护理等方法。The post-operative care includes sickroom nursing, health guiding, and eating nursing.

方法对病室造成医院感染的危险因素及引发原因进行分析。METHODS The risk factors and etiological factors of nosocomial infection in sickroom were analyzed.

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女列车长赶紧将她带进用床单隔开的病房。So the conductor woman hurried to take her into the sickroom which was blocked off by the bedsheets.

目前,电力线载波技术在国内外的应用已相当广泛,如路灯控制,病房呼叫等。At present, PLC is used widely in the world, such as street lamp control, sickroom calling, and so on.

相反,向那些成功呆在病房里很久而没事的人偷师和一步一步地增强你身体的免疫力。Instead, steal the secrets of people who manage to stay above the sickroom fray and take steps to boost your body's immunity.

外部世界,院子里、花园里或者街道上休闲时光的世界,仅仅是病房中遥远的低语。The outside world, the world of free time in the yard or the garden or on the street, is only a distant murmur in the sickroom.

在这名女病人离世前两个小时,奥斯卡走进了她的病房,陪伴在她身边直到她咽气为止。At the time two hours earlier than the woman patient being dead, Oscar went into her sickroom and consorted with her until her died.

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下午的天突然下起雨来,爸爸和叔叔在病房里面打点着带来的包裹准备回家。The day of afternoon is rain suddenly, father and uncle beat to order to bring in the inside of the sickroom of the package prepare to go home.

秦朝感觉,这病房真的要呆不下去了。否则,很可能成为第二个东京市。The Qin Dynasty feels that this sickroom really ambitions fatuous to don't descend to go to. May chance the second Tokyo City very many otherwise.

问大妹从哪里拿的,她开始不肯说,后来说是别的病房拿的,以为是可以治病的。They asked her where did she get them. She didn't answer first, then said she took it from the other sickroom and she thought they would do good to their sickness.

概述医院干细胞移植病房净化空调设计方案及特点,结合工程实例介绍净化系统设计的各项要求。It was summarized that the project and characteristic of the air-conditioning design in replanting sickroom in hospital, introduce how to design the system of purifying.

但假如这疾病持续的时间过长,这病房就充满这种愁绪,尽管你在康复,发烧已退去,你仍然会陷在迷宫里无法自拔。But if the illness has lasted long enough, the sickroom is impregnated with it and although you`re convalescing and the fever has gone, you are still trapped in the labyrinth.

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现在尤其是为了使病房气象一新,处处都是喜气洋洋的红颜色,要驱除一切不祥之气。T he idea now however, was to make as great a change of atmosphere in the sickroom as possible, showing every where the red color of happiness to drive away any lurking evil air.

但那天他对这些往事一无所悉,那天他把小纸片放在白医袍的口袋里巡视一间又一间病房,只记得字母在她笔下流畅而出,组合成她完美的姓名。On that day he carried the slip of paper in the pocket of his white coat through one sickroom after another, remembering her letters flowing one into another to form the perfect shape of her name.