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一个超大型的雕像。A "yuge" statue.

我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。I want a tuxedo on the statue.

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她把那个旧的塑像扔掉了。She superseded the old statue.

这座塑像是用青铜铸成的。The statue was cast in bronze.

这就是刘勰的雕像。This is the statue of Liu Xie.

他就像一尊薄薄的象牙雕像。He is like a thin ivory statue.

雕像安放在台座上。The statue repose on a pedestal.

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雕像下面是一个大水池。The statue is a large pool below.

塑像安放再台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

雕像安放在台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

那里有一具青铜铸成的像。There is a statue cast in bronze.

与原形毕露的一个古铜色雕像。A bronze statue with feet of clay.

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这座塑像是玉雕的。The statue was carved out of jade.

这座像是用木头雕成的。The statue was carved out of wood.

在佛佗公园的另外一个极大的像。Another huge statue at Buddha Park.

塑像是用大理石雕的。The statue is carved out of marble.

这座碉像的历史可以追溯到公元前500年。This statue dates back to 500 B. C.

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抗议者把这座雕像弄得残缺不全。The protesters mutilated the statue.

铸像被熔成为一尊大炮。The statue was melted into a cannon.

这是一尊“垂死挣扎的高卢人”的雕塑。It is the statue of the "Dying Gaul".