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此词在这儿取的是它的比方意义。The word here is used in its figurative sense.

直到大概18英里里程碑的时候我才到达第一个身体障碍。I didn’t hit the first figurative wall until about the 18 mile mark.

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犹如磁铁一般,立体丰富的形态悬挂在气场中,互动,变形。Like magnets, three-dimensional figurative forms are suspended in unity.

叠字作为一种修辞手段,历来为诗人广用。As a means of figurative speech, repetition of words is often employed by poets.

宫布理希宣称提供一个具象艺术发展的普遍理论。Ernst Gombrich claims to offer a general theory of the development of figurative art.

他的绘画主体往往是具象的,但同时真实和虚幻又并成。His motives are described concrete figurative – veritable and illusion at the same time.

事实上,英汉两种语言对同一本体的设喻有同有异。In fact, the figurative speech in English and Chinese bears similarities and differences.

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注意在上面所列的例子中,我们是如何能够确定这些经文使用了比喻性语言的。Notice in the list above how we can determine that these are uses of figurative language.

比喻是意象营构中意象功能最强的言语策略。Comparison is the most powerful speech strategy of figurative function in image formation.

带刺的铁丝网和小人、大米交织在一起,表达一种对欲望的困惑。The artist seeks to express a sense of confusion by intermingling wire and figurative elements.

而这种能穿越时间的抽象,源于他对具像艺术一步步的探索。And this time can pass through the abstract, from his figurative art of step by step exploration.

“战争”一词是指军事上的行动,但也常常用作一种比喻。The word "war" refers to military activities, but it is also commonly used in a figurative sense.

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后常以“降龙伏虎”比喻战胜重大困难。" hind constant with " overcome powerful adversaries " figurative conquer is great and difficult.

直到大概18英里里程碑的时候我才到达第一个身体障碍。I didn't hit the first figurative wall until about the 18 mile mark. It was getting really tiring.

布宁在小说中综合了绘画性、音乐性,以及具有悲剧性的富有动感的形象语言性。In his novels, Bunin synthesizes drawing, music, and figurative language which is rich in tragedy.

他们具有相同结构、相同喻义、相同修辞。Some of them share the same structures, the same figurative senses, and the same rhetoric meanings.

“这些画的效果是惊人的,”当代画家莉萨·尤斯卡瓦格说。"The potency of these paintings is amazing, " Lisa Yuskavage, a contemporary figurative painter, said.

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这是个形象化的表达,这个俗语是建立在北美印地安人的实际做法上的。Now a merely figurative expression, the phrase is based on an actual practice of North American Indians.

认知语言学认为,隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞手段,而且还是一种概念隐喻。Cognitive linguistics hold that metaphor is not only a figurative speech, but also a conceptual metaphor.

因此,这两个作品代表了他在艺术舞台上从现实主义成功转向抽象主义的最佳例子。As a result, these two paintings represent his successful artistic transformation in the arena of abstract figurative.