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那么,它们是如何相关联的呢?So, how do they relate?

高中生帕克·艾文斯说”我将更好地建立联系。I just relate better to it.

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其他人和你相处的如何?How can others relate to you?

这问题与讲道术有关。The problem relate to homiletics.

这问题与讲道术有关的。The problem relate to homiletics.

智商与智力有何关联?How does IQ relate to intelligence?

这可能与棕钙土的长期干旱有关。This one relate to arid of brown soil.

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他们对现代文学很不理解。They can't relate to modern literature.

孩子会把挨打和攻击联系在一起。A child will relate spanking to hitting.

这条新法律只涉及抢劫案件吗?Does the new law relate only to robbery?

她与匹普和艾斯黛拉有什么样的关系?How does she relate to Pip and Estella ?

他们还将与闪龙家族。They will also relate to sempron family.

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这些问题都跟哲学有关。All these questions relate to philosophy.

阿克拉的话与事实不符。Akela's words don't relate with the facts.

反向链接的网页必须与我们的概念。Backlink pages must relate to our concept.

它是怎样和第一乐章联系起来的How did that relate to the first movement?

总统和这起贿赂案没有关系。The president is not relate to this bribe.

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所以我要把这个和我想要的联系起来。So I need to relate this to what I do want.

我知道如何把它和一个常数联系起来。And I know how to relate that to a constant.

兄弟二人互不体贴。The two brothers can't relate to each other.