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然而,在武装凯恩斯主义的背后也存在更加黑暗的动机。But there are also darker motives behind weaponized Keynesianism.

国际上的证据也表明了凯恩斯主义思想的失策。International evidence also undermines the case for Keynesianism.

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真实世界的证据并不支持凯恩斯主义思想的设想。Real-world evidence does not support the Keynesianism perspective.

可是统治阶级正拼命地抓住凯恩斯理论的片段不放。But the ruling classes are desperately grabbing bits of Keynesianism.

他本可以选择附和当时处于上升期的凯恩斯主义和实证主义。He might have chosen to echo the rising Keynesianism and positivism of his day.

只在几周之内,整个意识形态的趋势就从凯恩斯主义一下子演变成了彻底的社会主义。The ideological tendency has gone from Keynesianism to outright socialism in a matter of a few weeks.

因此当凯恩斯学说成了主流,左派的某项基于凯恩斯理论的经济政策,就失去了其力度。So a left economic policy based on Keynesianism, when Keynesianism has entered the mainstream, isn't very powerful.

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凯恩斯主义认为在充分就业以前货币政策是有效的,但充分就业是一种稀有现象。Keynesianism thought that monetary policy was effective before full-employment, but full-employment was a rare phenomenon.

克鲁格曼未加工的凯恩斯理论对于企业和个人行为与他们对于未来税收和支出政策预期之间的关系认识的并不充分。Mr Krugman's crude Keynesianism underplays the link between firms' and households' behaviour and their expectations of future tax and spending policy.

财政政策、货币政策和外汇政策的搭配使用使得以IS—LM—BP模型为核心的凯恩斯主义大显神威。The combining use of fiscal policies, monetary policies as well as exchange policies makes Keynesianism based on the IS-LM-BP model show its magic power.

而奇怪的是对有关70年代结束之情形的评述是如此之少——我看这一情形过去是,现在仍然是对凯恩斯主义最有力的证明。What’s odd, though, is how little talk there is about the way the 70s ended — which I viewed at the time, and still do, as a huge vindication of Keynesianism.

因此,来自劳动力增加的国家的观点,凯恩斯主义仅仅作为新古典主义的注解——尽管是既长、又重要而迷人的注解。Hence, from the point of view of countries with surplus labour, Keynesianism is only a footnote to neoclassicism-albeit a long, important and fascinating footnote.

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新自由主义经济思潮是当代西方经济学说中与凯恩斯主义相对立的、强调自由放任理论与政策的经济学思潮。The trends of thought on new free-economy is the antagonistic thoughts to Keynesianism among modern western economic theories and it focuses on free theory and policy.

本文主要介绍新古典宏观经济学和新凯恩斯主义对财政赤字挤出效应研究的最新进展。This paper mainly introduces the latest development about crowding-out effect of fiscal deficit which was put forward by New-Classical Macroeconomics and New Keynesianism.

货币主义和凯恩斯主义曾被视为相互排斥的经济理论。当前这场危机之严重,已使世界各国政府都在同时尝试这两种方法。Once, monetarism and Keynesianism were considered mutually exclusive economic theories. So severe is this crisis that governments all over the world are trying both simultaneously.

随着经济危机的不断恶化,当权者将会更难把旧日的凯恩斯主义描绘成“改变”,而潜在的奥地利经济学派的追随者只会不断增加。As the economic crisis continues to worsen, it will become harder and harder to portray old-school Keynesianism as “change, ” and the potential audience for the Austrian message will only grow.