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新老客户可电联或实地考察。New and old customers to the ITU or field trips.

而广州地区在高频段大降雨率时,ITU模型精度较高。In high-frequency, ITU model is high accuracy in Guangzhou.

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国际电信联盟2001年推出其培训中心方案。The ITU launched its Internet Training Center program in two thousand one.

ITU预计,未来两年间,可用的带宽将会进一步增加。The ITU expects far more bandwidth to become available in the next two years.

我应要求负责在该委员会与国际电联秘书长之间进行协调。I was asked to coordinate the Commission together with the Secretary-General of ITU.

各地区的国际电联还保持联络,与其他组织。Various parts of the ITU also maintain liaison relationships with other organizations.

我们转换成虚拟积分,所以客户可以使用国际电联购买我们的合伙人的网站。We convert it into Virtual Credits , so customer can use itu to buy to our partners site.

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国际铁联规定,“运动员一旦获得正式援助,必须退出比赛“。ITU Rule says, "Once official assistance is rendered, you must retire from the competition."

国际电联期待着与其成员继续密切合作,圆满完成这一职责。ITU looks forward to continuing to work closely with its membership to fulfill this mandate.

ITU称,如果换算一下,后者这项数据相当于每秒有将近20万条短信发送。That latter figure translates to almost 200,000 text messages being sent every second, the ITU said.

但苏珊在国际电联Teltscher说,一个强大的公共技术政策作出了在韩国的区别。But Susan Teltscher at the ITU says a strong public policy on technology has made a difference in South Korea.

国际电信联盟的罗伯特·肖表示,学生们将学到他所谓的“真正的互联网管道”的基础知识。Robert Shaw of the ITU says students will learn the basics of what he calls the "real plumbing of the Internet."

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设计了测试方案,并对研制的ADSL用户终端进行了测试,测试结果表明设计的ADSL用户终端在传输速率和传输距离上符合要求。The test scheme is designed, and the test result shows that the ADSL user terminal meets the ITU C. 992.2 standard.

SCDMA是我国提出的3G技术标准,同时也是被ITU所确定的三大主流标准之一。As a standard of 3G technology proposed by China, TD-SCDMA is also one of the three main standards certificated by ITU.

PEAQ算法是国际电信联盟ITU提出的,针对音频编解码器及其它音频系统性能进行检测的客观评价算法。Perceptual evaluation of audio quality is proposed by the ITU. It can evaluate the performance of the vocoder and other audio system.

对于这些努力,更广泛地讲,对于电联和其他各方促进世界各地农村和偏远地区宽带接入的工作,我表示欢迎。I welcome those efforts and, more broadly, the work of ITU and others to promote broadband access in rural and remote areas around the world.

国际电联称,这次会议的一个主要目的就是制定衡量和改善信息通信技术行业对环境影响的明确政策。The ITU says a main goal of the conference is to set clear policies for measuring and improving the ICT industry’s effect on the environment.

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国际电联正在努力调整自我,以适应信息社会的发展和新的挑战,并满足成员不断变化的需求。ITU is working hard to adapt to the evolution and newly emerging challenges of the information society and the changing needs of its membership.

它可以增加就业,驱动产业化增长,并拥有长远的经济竞争力。"It can generate jobs, drive growth and productivity and underpin long-term economic competitiveness, " said ITU Secretary-General Hamadoun Toure.

简要介绍了由我国提交并被国际电联接受的第三代移动通信标准TD-SCDMA系统及其特点。This paper introduces the 3G standard TDSCDMA system and its characteristic briefly, which is submitted by our nation and had been accepted by ITU.