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受吸引力的作用I'm drawn to it.

桥已吊起。The bridge is drawn up.

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敌人缩回去了。The enemy has drawn back.

水井罕用不枯竭。Drawn wells are seldom dry.

每个孩子都画了一只猫。Every child has drawn a cat.

开证行见票90天付款。Drawn on us at 90 days sight.

他高举出鞘的匕首。He bore aloft a drawn dagger.

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重化窗口句柄。Handle to the re drawn window.

我们的仇恨不共戴天,我与你势不两立。You and I are at daggers drawn.

常汲井中水最甜,脑越用越灵。Drawn wells have sweetest water.

雪车是用一匹马拖拉的。The sleigh was drawn by a horse.

这辆大车是由两匹马拉的。The cart was drawn by two horses.

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我要把你拖出去大卸八块。I'll have you drawn and quartered!

柩车由一队青年牵引着。The hearse was drawn by young men.

每句话都描绘了一幅图画。Each a picture drawn in a sentence.

那是一辆由8匹白马所拉的马车。It was drawn by eight white horses.

这条小船被拉上了海滩。The boat was drawn up on the shore.

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这幅画是我表哥画的。The picture was drawn by my cousin.

反正最终没有进行抽签。But in any case, no lots were drawn.

罐笼从矿井里吊了起来。The cage was drawn up from the mine.