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温斯赖·霍姆,哈泼斯周报,1862年6月7日。By Winslow Homer, Harper's Weekly, June 7, 1862.

小小的温斯洛就凭着这些练就了他早期的绘画技能。Young Winslow used these to develop his early skill.

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十九岁的时候,温斯洛就学会了平板印刷术。At age nineteen, Winslow learned the process of lithography.

温斯洛很快就成了殖民地的知名人物。Winslow quickly became one of the more prominent men in the colony.

而那时,年轻的温斯洛也渐渐成为了受欢迎的画家。The young Winslow began to establish himself as an artist in demand.

这一份工作也是温斯洛在艺术领域所接受过的唯一一次正规训练。This work was the only formal training that Winslow ever received in art.

1620年,爱德华·温斯洛和妻子伊丽莎白登上了五月花号,来到了普利茅斯。Edward Winslow and wife Elizabeth came on the Mayflower to Plymouth in 1620.

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本期节目的主人翁是二十世纪最伟大的绘画大师—温斯洛·荷马。Today we tell about Winslow Homer, considered to be the greatest American artist of the nineteenth century.

最后他们来到一间舒适的公寓——这里便是年轻夫妇帕特里克和格瑞斯的家。That is, until they find themselves in the cozy apartment of young married couple Patrick and Grace Winslow.

其画作深受温斯赖霍姆所绘关于美国内战作品的影响,在内战时期,这些作品曾出现在哈泼斯周报上。Mumford's images were inspired by Winslow Homer's Civil War studies, which appeared in Harper's Weekly during that conflict.

其画作深受温斯赖霍姆所绘关于美国内战作品的影响,在内战时期,这些作品曾出现在哈泼斯周报上。Mumford’s images were inspired by Winslow Homer’s Civil War studies, which appeared in Harper’s Weekly during that conflict.

泰罗的科学管理原理被认为是现代管理思想的起源。The Principles of Scientific Management by Frederick Winslow Taylor has been considered the origin of modem management thoughts.

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文思罗记得少年时代,参观1962年西雅图世博会时,立刻被太空针塔和单轨列车所迷住。Winslow remembers going to his first world's fair as a teenager in Seattle in 1962 and being captivated by the Space Needle and the monorail.

如果你想看到希望看到美国的大牌艺术家如温斯洛•霍默、托马斯•哈特•本顿和罗伯特•劳森伯格等人的作品,来到这里会不虚此行。Those who wish to see works by major American artists such as Winslow Homer, Thomas Hart Benton and Robert Rauschenberg will not be disappointed.

当汽车艺术品大师查尔斯·塞克斯应邀为罗尔斯·罗易斯汽车公司设计标志时,深深印在他脑海中的女神像立刻使他产生创作灵感。When the car works of art guru Charles Sykes was invited to Roll Winslow Lewis Motor Company design logo, etched in his mind of the goddess at once led him inspiration.

温思劳街行车隧道将临时封闭,以便路政署进行道路维修工程。Motorists are advised that to facilitate the road maintenance works by Highways Department, Winslow Street Underpass will be temporarily closed to all vehicular traffic.

我最喜爱的作品如橡树园楼,温思楼,罗比楼,团结寺,古根海姆博物馆,跌落水中,价格塔,东京帝国饭店等。My most loved works were the Oak Park House, Winslow House, Robie House, Unity Temple, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Falling Water, Price Tower, Tokyo Imperial Hotel, etc.

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另一张照片是“汽车事故――位于美国66号公路亚利桑那州温斯洛和佛拉格斯塔夫之间”,这张照片表现了在路边有一具尸体,该尸体也用一块布遮盖着,有四个人悲伤地站在尸体旁边。The next photo, "Car Accident -- U.S. 66, Between Winslow and Flagstaff, Arizona, " shows a body on the side of the road that is also covered with a cloth. Four people stand sadly near the body.