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这冰糕是奶油味的,而且可以完全放纵。This sorbet is so creamy and totally indulgent.

法芙娜巧克力塔,香草焦糖,柚珠冰沙。Valrhona Chocolate Tart, Herbs Caramel, Yuzu Sorbet.

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我刚下班,想带一点芒果雪泥来给你。I just got off and thought I'd bring you some mango sorbet.

橘子也被用来制造冰淇淋,冰糕和意大利苏打水。The oranges have also been used to create gelato, sorbet and Italian soda.

不要再提供放在碗里的冰淇淋了,试着在果汁杯里提供一些冰冻果汁水。Instead of ice cream in a bowl, try serving sorbet or sherbet in sherbet glasses.

或者,更好的是,坚持低热量的食物,清爽的替代品比如棒棒冰或者冰糕。Or, better yet, stick to low-calorie but refreshing alternatives like ice pops or sorbet.

那些小店的店主说,这些冰块比工厂里生产的更质优价廉。The sorbet vendor says this is cheaper than buying factory ice, and the quality is better.

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最近的某个下午,学习的项目是自制橙色冰糕和热带水果片摆盘。On a recent afternoon, homemade orange sorbet and slices of tropical fruit lined the table.

这麦酒比布丁是优秀的与a香槟象嘶嘶响和光柑橘结束-更多冰糕。This pale ale is excellent with a champagne-like fizz and light citrus finish – more sorbet than pudding.

那些小店的店主说,这些冰块比工厂里生产的更质优价廉。Dollar per block! The sorbet vendor says this is cheaper than buying factory ice, and the quality is better.

午餐套餐中包括了甜点,是华丽丽的血橙焦糖布丁配果汁冰糕和茴香蛋白杏仁饼干。Dessert, included in the set lunch, was a sumptuous blood-orange crème brulee with sorbet and an anis macaroon.

真的?他们有巧酥口味的冰砂吗?那是我最爱吃的,还有他们的冰砂卖多少钱?。Really? Do they have sorbet in the cookie dough flavor? Thats my favorite, and how much do they charge for sorbet?

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翡冷翠专业提供高品质意大利冰淇淋及水果冰霜,采用纯天然原料,低脂低糖。Firenzi is the professional provider of Italian Gelato and Sorbet. All products are made by natural material, low fat, low sugar.

周四晚上在巴黎,奥朗德总统用龙虾焙盘,大比目鱼、奶酪和果子露招待了卡梅伦。In Paris with President Francois Hollande on Thursday night, Mr Cameron was treated to lobster tureen followed by turbot, cheese and sorbet.

研究复配冰淇淋、棒冰添加剂就是利用各种不同的乳化稳定剂的特性,经过科学的方法复配,充分发挥各乳化稳定的相互协调作用。The goal of the Studies of the characteristics of mixed emulsifying stabilizer of ice-cream and sorbet is to make good formula for ice-cream process.

丹尼尔忍不住一会儿就瞥卢多一眼,但直到餐后的果汁雪糕上来的时候,她才发现他也在朝她的方向看。Danielle glanced over every so often, unable to stop herself, but did not once, until the passion fruit sorbet was before them, find him looking her way.

桃泥雪糕──雪糕跟冰糕不一样,雪糕中含有凝胶和水果泥──增加了沙拉的甜味,放在冰糕的上头。The peach sorbet ─ a sorbet differs from a granité in that it includes gelatin and fruit purée ─ adds sweetness to the dish and is served atop the granité.

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然后再来点芒果味的果汁冰糕或椰奶南瓜作为甜点,当然更别忘了叫上一杯这里独具特色的越南咖啡。Then again, mango-flavored juice or coconut milk sorbet as a dessert of pumpkin, of course, do not forget to call on a cup of coffee here a unique Vietnam.

我们站在一个宽敞的厨房里,厨房被刷成暗暗的粉红色,是一种被叫做亮紫红或浆果汁的口红或指甲油的颜色。We are standing in a spacious kitchen painted a dusky pink colour that, were it a lipstick or nail varnish, would be called Plum Beautiful or Berry Sorbet.

混合果汁及糖浆,雪糕入大型马提尼杯,入石榴汁,再将混合后的果汁入其上,再入香槟。Mix juices and simple syrup in a pitcher. Scoop sorbet into a large martini glass, and add grenadine. Pour the juice mixture over the sorbet and top with champagne.