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好是主体的私意的表达。It is the expression of subjectivity.

我不能摆脱自己的主观。I cannot bracket out my own subjectivity.

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为什么这个过程中存在这样的主观性呢?Why is there subjectivity in this process?

我们能从Humbert的主观中跳脱出来吗?Do we ever escape from the subjectivity of Humbert?

道德价值是主体的私意的表达。Moral value is a private expression of subjectivity.

因此也解构了传统的主观性的概念。Thus it subverts the traditional concept of subjectivity.

我们能知晓Lolita她自己的主观世界吗?Is there any way to access the subjectivity of Lolita herself?

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以人为本坚持了马克思主义的历史主体论。Takeing Man as the End adheres to Marxist historical subjectivity.

第二部分为主体性道德人格教育。The second chapter is the education on subjectivity moral personality.

传记家的主体性首先表现为对传主的选择。Biographer's subjectivity is revealed firstly by the choice of biographee.

客观代替主观的第一步是从“研究”开始的。The first step to replacing subjectivity with sanity begins with research.

一段代码的可维护性是个主观的问题。The maintainability of a piece of code is arguably a matter of subjectivity.

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主体性教育在反思教育的进程中呼之欲出。Subjectivity education presents itself in the process of reflecting education.

徐渭运用泼墨写意法,具有鲜明的主体性和个性化。Xu Wei's use of ink freehand method, with distinct and individual subjectivity.

但欲望的对象性决定了它不可能成为直接构建主体性的核心因素。But desire should not be orientated on the key position of the "new subjectivity".

教育最终要解决的问题是人的主体性。The core to ues the modern education technique is the subjectivity of human being.

现代教育技术的核心是唤醒人的主体性意识。The core to ues the modern education technique is the subjectivity of human being.

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如果您要从基础等级开始治疗,主观性是个问题。And if you’re going to treat on the basis of grade, then subjectivity is a problem.

从叙述性、文本性上看,纪录片的真实是主观性与客观性的统一。In terms of narrative text, it is a unification of the subjectivity and objectivity.

在这个意义上,审美教育实际上是其主体性的展演过程。Thus, we may say aesthetical education is in fact a perform process of subjectivity.