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绵延是柏格森生命哲学的核心概念。Duration is the central conception in bergson ism.

弗洛伊德和伯格森是两位伟大的哲学家。Sigmund Freud and Henri Bergson are two great philosophers.

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我认为我论柏克森的书就是典型这种情形。I consider my book on Bergson to be typical in that respect.

柏格森从我们的感觉都是影响这个假定出发。Bergson starts with a hypothesis that all we sense are images.

柏格森相信“真实的东西在世界上总是独特的。”" Bergson believed that "what is real is always unique in the world.

其次,二十世纪初期,在中国掀起了一股“柏格森热”。Secondly, china set off "tide of Bergson" in early time of the twenty century.

眼之所见无非是心智之所悟。The eye sees only what the mind is prepared to comprehend. -- Henri L. Bergson

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今天还有人嘲笑我评论柏克森,并略有微词。And today there are people who laugh and reproach me for having written even on Bergson.

而柏格森哲学的出现,正是为了解决西方走向现代过程中所出现的问题。Just in order to solve the problems produced by modernity bergson put forward his philosophic system.

在十一年的漫长岁月中,约翰·帕克森,在他辛勤耕耘的荒芜土地上,几乎没有留下多少痕迹。In eleven long years John Bergson had made but little impression upon the wild land he had come to tame.

第二部分主要从现代知识类型学的角度来评述柏格森的美学思想。The second part mainly discusses the esthetics thoughts of Bergson in the view of modern knowledge typology.

因此直觉就是一种经验方式,事实上柏格森自己把他的思想称作是“真正的经验主义”。Intuition therefore is a kind of experience, and indeed Bergson himself calls his thought "the true empiricism ".

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哲学家亨利柏格森的直觉认为是最高境界的人的直觉认识和神秘主义的完美。The philosopher Henri Bergson considered intuition to be the highest state of human knowing and mysticism the perfection of intuition.

我认为我论柏克森的书就是典型这种情形。今天还有人嘲笑我评论柏克森,并略有微词。I consider my book on bergson to be typical in that respect. and today there are people who laugh and reproach me for having written even on bergson.

“直觉”在理性主义盛行的哲学中难觅踪迹,然而克罗齐和柏格森拯救和阐发了它,使其重现活力。"Intuition" could hardly find its trace in philosophy when rationalism was prevailing, but Croce and Bergson redeemed and interpreted them and revitalized it.

尽管对康德的时间观颇有微词,笔者认为柏格森继承了康德的空间观,并试图解决康德的时间与自由的矛盾问题。Though Bergson censured Kant severely , he inherited Kant's view on space and tried to solve the conflict between time and freedom which kant cant solve reasonably.

最后,我们用中国哲学家庄子的智慧来回应柏格森的自由思想,并确定柏格森是一个最后走向宗教的哲学家。Lastly, we use the wisdom from a chinese philosopher Tchouan Tseu to reply Bergson's freedom. We then confirm Bergson was a philosopher who eventually embraced religion.

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文章将侧重分析语言的滑稽、职业的滑稽和情景的滑稽三个部分,以此说明柏格森笑的理论的中心点是“心不在焉”、“机械化”。We will analyze particularly on the cosmic element in words, in professions and in situations, which explain the core theory of laughter of Bergson is "absentmindedness" and"mechanization".