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这感觉就像是背叛。That feels like a betrayal.

他的行动近于背叛。His action touched on betrayal.

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当然,这也是一个关于背叛的故事。And it is also a story of betrayal.

忘记过去就意味着背叛。Forgetting the past means betrayal.

这种背叛对我们来说是多么痛苦!How painful this betrayal is for us!

她的背叛让我完全措手不及。Her betrayal took me completely off guard.

你的倒戈伤透了乌瑟尔的心,小孩。Your betrayal has broken Uther's heart, boy.

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自爱是对虐待和背叛义正词严的拒绝。Self-love is saying no to abuse and betrayal.

留不住的是人心,抵不过的事背叛。Stay is exciting, but arrived about betrayal.

很难去设想一个更恶名昭彰的背叛。It's hard to conceive of a more egregious betrayal.

我知道,否认就是一种不寻常的背叛形式。I know that disavowal is an unusual form of betrayal.

背叛则是将它劈开并使它昭然若揭的闪电。Betrayal is the lightning that cleaves and reveals it.

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同胞兄弟反目成仇。Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers.

最疼的疼是原谅,最黑的黑是背叛。Who Loved the pain is to forgive a betrayal darkest black.

以前的小惜已经消失在你的背叛里。Have disappeared before the small cherish in your betrayal.

这也是我们对军中服役的他和她的亏欠。This is a betrayal of what we owe our servicemen and women.

像一个爱好者一样生活,或者为了自己的目的是一种背叛。To live as a dilettante , or for personal ends, is betrayal.

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羞辱和被判带给我的痛苦,我无以言表。I cannot begin to describe the pain, humiliation and betrayal.

我无法形容那种痛苦、耻辱和被背叛的感觉。I cannot begin to describe the pain, humiliation and betrayal.

统一党马上拒绝了此方案,并称其为背叛。Unionist immediately rejected the idea, calling it a betrayal.