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开放性是我下一步要想的事情。Openness is the next thing on my mind.

徽州文化是开放性的文化。Huizhou culture is a culture of openness.

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李导游大声喊道,“大家来感受一下巴黎的开阔地带!”Li shouted, “Feel the openness of the city!”

鼓励自己心胸开阔,接受新奇事物。Encourage openness to yourself and to novelty.

随后发生的是一个平静的开放和清晰。What supervenes is a calm openness and clarity.

但短暂的公开很快就被扫平。But a brief period of openness was quickly quashed.

RTM意味着Gmail也成为了一个开放平台RTM Demonstrates the Openness of the Gmail Platform

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根本出路在于改革开放。The fundamental way out lies in reform and openness.

我们发现,对新思想的开明态度至关重要。We discovered an openness to new ideas is essential.

让自己融入到开放性和可能性中。Allow yourself to melt into openness and possibility.

在开放和满足之情中,发现上师就在我心中。In openness and contentment I found the Lama in my heart.

这是缺少神的良善和不羞愧的开放性。It is the absence of God's goodness and unashamed openness.

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但是互联网的确正在丧失他的开放性以及通用性。But the net is losing some of its openness and universality.

从事性工作的女性,与任何其他女性一样,需要光明正大地生活与支持。These women, just like any others, want openness and support.

仁爱心是一种对他人的友好善意的行为。Benevolence is a type of kindness and openness towards others.

微笑代表对他人的善意,关爱和宽容。It represents goodwill, affection and openness towards others.

实行财务公开,提高透明度和群众监督机制。Improving openness of the politics and mass superintend system.

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普斯泰说,对奥巴马政府来说,公开政务十分重要。Openness is important to the Obama administration, Pustay said.

破坏行为的公开性和亲密关系,我深深的愿望。Behavior sabotages the openness and intimacy I so deeply desire.

佐治亚州共和党人,众议院议员菲尔金格里问道,“美国人民需要知道,我们需要公开与阳光。The American people need to know. We need openness and sunshine.