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不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents.

这种现实主义做法确实有先例可循。Such realism does have precedents.

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但是这些先例都被忽略了。Yet these precedents were ignored.

在美国有前例可循。There are precedents in the United States.

不乏先例。There is no lack of precedents in this connection.

他们根据极不可靠的判例,彼此挑眼儿。They were tripping one another up on slippery precedents.

但是,再来一次,小心这些举措会造成的先例。But again, be aware of the precedents these actions would set.

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这位书记官协助那位法官查阅有关判例。The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents.

这些平行发展没有止境的案例成为指导我的范例。There was no end of parallel cases and these made precedents to guide me.

中国古代历史上典型的判例形式是例和成案。Two typical judicial precedents in Chinese legal history are Li and Cheng'an.

这本质上是广泛地追随柴坦尼亚的一场虔信运动。This is essentially a bhakti movement, broadly following the precedents of Caitanya.

在中国,度假相对而言还是一个新兴事物,因此没有太多先例可以遵循。China, where vacationing itself is a relatively new phenomenon, held relatively few precedents.

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书册教育在我国从古到今不乏先例。Chinese book education has several precedents in our country from ancient times to the present.

新的演进会不断地使一些个案摆在我们面前,例如,关于韦纳的个案,并无适用的判例。New developments are always going to bring us cases, such as Weiner’s, where no precedents apply.

在工作中,男人们早已经有了极好的前人标准和模式来告诉他们如何成功。In the workplace, men have long had well –defined precedents and role models for achieving success.

但在其他的项目上总统仅从技术角度勉强取胜,而且其中几项明显已有先例。But others the president wins merely on a technicality, and several clearly already have precedents.

银泰百货与西子联合争夺百大股份的控制权已有先例。Intime Department Store and the West for a hundred large stake in joint control, there are precedents.

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招聘一个尚未沦为其专业的牺牲品、形同一捆会走路的判例的律师。Wanted, a lawyer, who has not become the victim of his specialty, a mere walking bundle of precedents.

判例法是法官判决案件的整合,至今包括普通法和衡平判例。Case law describe the entire body of judge-made law and today includes common law and equity precedents.

这位书记官协助那位法官查阅有关判例。The clerk assisted the judge by looking up related precedents. Her breathing was assisted by a respirator.