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逃亡者因某些恶行而被追踪、逮捕并惩处。Fugitive is pursued, caught and Punished for some miscreant act.

由法官判一名无赖不去当兵就得坐牢的日子过去了。The days of a judge telling a miscreant to join the Army or go to jail are over.

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作为海盗和走私者,巴巴喜欢动拳头,是一个令人讨厌的恶棍。A pirate and smuggler, Baba was an obnoxious miscreant with a penchant for fisticuffs.

这暗含对逼迫恶棍出局的意味,自从欧元区成员被制定为不可改变的。There is no obvious means to force a miscreant out, since euro membership is designed to be irrevocable.

对房产的狂热屡屡使英国房价大涨,此次的房产热又是从英国蔓延开来。The obsession with housing spilled over from Britain, a serial miscreant when it comes to house- price booms.

从大的方面来说,政府应当对脆弱的儿童给予关怀措施,对穷凶极恶的成年人采取严苛手段。Broadly speaking, the cuddly ones should be focused on vulnerable children and the tough ones on miscreant adults.

当2010年5月他破门而入一个兰州房间时,顶上这些想法,肯定出现在下面这个恶棍的脑海中过。These were certainly on the mind of one miscreant as he broke into a home in Lanzhou, a city in northwest China, in May of 2010.

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这个尖鼻子、圆肚子的无赖习惯于随心所欲地爆发出令人头疼的尖笑。The beak-nosed pot-bellied miscreant had a habit of breaking into a nerve-wracking cackle whenever the mood struck his flighty little brain.

事实上,他们的法律职责并不比那些在刚果的联合国恶棍少,而且他们的工作效率更高。But their forces seem no less accountable than, say, the miscreant UN contingents serving in Congo, and they would certainly be more effective.

罢免托斯卡诺先生可能并不能代表墨西哥政治豁免的结束,但是它却象征性地让该国的政治恶棍们开始留神了。Mr Godoy Toscano's desafuero may not mark an end to impunity in Mexican politics, but it does symbolically put every miscreant politician in the country on notice.

当然,偶尔会有一些不称职的老师当著全班的面,因为学生达不到他所谓的高标准,出言讽刺,挖苦学生。Of course, there is the occasional miscreant standing in front of the classroom who encourages student failure as a backhanded compliment to his self-declared high standards.

都说这种转变发生的原因在于卡扎菲上校目睹了流氓萨达姆,在美国主导的一场法律审判后,让伊拉克人绞死的下场,他如同大梦初醒。The argument went that Col Gaddafi had watched the fate of fellow miscreant Saddam Hussein, hanged by Iraqis after a US-instigated legal process, and had learnt a sobering lesson.