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你会成为废弃都市伟大的领导者!You'll do a great job leading Kerning City!

是否有解决方法,以获得字距调整的工作?Is there a workaround to get kerning working?

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注意字距调整不在这个算法中。Note that kerning isn't part of this algorithm.

没办法,只好用调整字距的方法来调整。But the method used to adjust kerning to adjust.

有些场合这种字距调整是必不可少的。In some cases kerning is inevitable and necessary.

在技术上间距对可以应用在字体文件上。A kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

数字化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距配对。A kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

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数码化的字库文件中可以实现这种字距交尾。B kerning pair can technically be implemented in a digital font file.

但我们现在先暂时把它忘记,先花点时间看看另外的东西。However, forget about kerning for now, spend your time on other things.

字距调解的常识会让你对字体的理解更进一步。Kerning. Knowledge about kerning will give a deeper understanding of type.

字距调整的知识会让你对字体的理解更进一步。Kerning . Knowledge about kerning will give a deeper understanding of type.

废弃都市是冒险岛的一个被污染的都市城区,他是南北走向的。The theme of Kerning City. A polluted urban area in MapleStory, it is worn and beat down.

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获得字距调整以适应在通过字符码绘画两个被指定的文字时。GetKerning Get the kerning to apply between two glyphs specified by their character codes.

字距调整包括根据相邻字形的轮廓修改它们之间的距离。Kerning consists of modifying the spacing between two successive glyphs according to their outlines.

有的字体外观包含一个表,它包含文本布局所需的指定字形对的字距距离。Some font faces thus include a table containing kerning distances for a set of given glyph pairs for text layout.

这选项是否有效取决于使用的字体和打印机是否支持。Kerning is only available for certain font types and, for printed documents, only works if your printer supports it.

烧毁都市在下水道中的丛林。这是去迷宫的路径,那里只有级别够高的人能步入。The Jungle in the Sewers of Kerning City. This is the path to the dungeon, where only a few are strong enough to enter.

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但我们现在先暂时把它忘记,先花点时间看看另外的东…However, forget about kerning for now, spend your time on other things. It's much more important to properly space your characters.

另一问题是如何访问额外的字体信息,如两个字符间距表、字形名和更精确的字形信息。Another issue is access to additional metrics about the font, such as pair kerning tables, glyph names, and more precise glyph metrics.

废弃都市的地下铁。大家都知道这里有跳跃地图和怪物。同时,有一些版本把这里当作夫妇世界旅游运输系统。The subway of Kerning City. Well known for it's Jump Quests and monsters. Also is used for a couple World Tour Transports in some versions.