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图像要有文本的等价物。Images must have textual equivalents.

两人刚一见面,扁鹊扭头就走。They had a meeting, textual twist went.

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然而,那些工具也支持文本的差别。However, those tools also support textual diffs.

他看到情况不妙,主动要求找扁鹊来治病。He sees things, active request to find cures textual.

白花丹的历史考证。Historical textual criticism of Plumbago zeylanica L.

思辨创新式阅读是一种解构阅读。Innovative textual reading is a deconstructive reading.

文本记录也可以帮助解决语言障碍。Textual records can also help to address language barriers.

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回指是语篇衔接的重要语法手段之一。Anaphora is an important grammatical device of textual cohesion.

为界面要素提供文本名称和描述。Providing textual names and descriptions for interface elements.

到了干嘉年间,考据之学兴起。Kerry stem the years, the rise of textual criticism of the school.

文章将对6通傅函的时间考证就教于方家。This textual research testifies the certain time of Fu's 6 letters.

第三章是语篇连贯在翻译中的描述。Chapter Three is the description of textual coherence in translation.

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古卷在旧约全书的基础上彻底做了校对。The Scrolls have revolutionized textual criticism of the Old Testament.

另外,对存在实据的妈祖早期其他七个封号,亦皆予以查证。As to the other seven early titles of Mazu, we also do textual eriticism.

上述例子为基本文本数据提供了一个牢固的起点。The above example provides a solid starting point for basic textual data.

首先让我们来看一下涉及文本宏编程的元编程。First let's look at metaprogramming that involves textual macro languages.

可在对“翣”进行探源时,遇到了一些困难。However, there are some difficulties when I do textual research about"sha".

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辞章是有效地表达话语信息的艺术形式。Chinese textual analysis is an artistic device to express efficient message.

大幅面图形,视频剪辑和文本的副本将提供给您。Large Format Graphics, video clips and textual copy will be provided to you.

让我们看看另外三个命令,它们可以处理文本数据中的字段。Now let's look at three more commands that deal with fields in textual data.