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他发誓放弃那份工作。He abjure to give up the job.

我爸爸让我戒烟。My father made me to abjure smoking.

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他们被迫发誓放弃自己的信仰。They were compelled to abjure their faith.

他企图让自己的儿子放其他的宗教信仰。He tried to make his son abjure his religion.

征服者试著让当地人宣誓放弃他们的宗教。The conqueror tried to make the natives abjure their religion.

那些奴隶的可怜的状况让他放弃的对自己的社会的效忠。The abject condition of those bondage saw him abjure all fealty to his society.

为了实现这个目标,所有的艺术家都必须在两个方面上放弃他们的脱离社会状态。To realize this goal, in two ways, all artists had to abjure their isolation from the society.

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布莱克伍德伯爵必须承认他的叛国,放弃对史塔克家族和徒利家族的效忠。Lord Blackwood shall be required to confess his treason and abjure his allegiance to the Starks and Tullys.

阿德莉娜勒库弗勒临终之时希望忏悔、聆听圣言,但她拒绝发誓放弃她的职业。Adrienne Lecouvreur on her deathbed was willing to confess and receive communion, but refused to abjure her profession.

他也鼓励非暴力不合作运动者们对政治对手怀有同情心,公开声明不对英国人采取暴力。He also encouraged satyagrahis to feel empathy for their political opponents and to abjure violence against the British.

因此在一个风险很大的赌注,全国电视直播的辩论,奥巴马也许被要求去为他的牧师和教会辩护,要不就放弃他的信念。So, in a high-stakes, nationally televised debate, Obama might be called upon to defend his pastor and church, or abjure his faith.

另外,要避免毒品、武器和假币,抵制“颠覆活动”和“展示有关宗教、政治、种族的标语”。In addition to shunning narcotics, weapons and counterfeit currency, they should abjure "subversive activities" or the "display of religious, political or racial banners".

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除了毒品,武器,假钞外,这些外国人还不得进行颠覆性活动或者打出印有”宗教,政治和民族问题“内容的横幅。In addition to shunning narcotics, weapons and counterfeit currency, they should abjure “subversive activities” or the “display of religious, political or racial banners”.

让你投资证券不受地区制约,存取资金不受时间限度,您的银行存款可以直接作为证券资金,保障您存款、投资、理财三得利。You may advance securities anyarea and drop and abjure funds at any time. Your deapriorism in bank as securities funds will accompany you account of deposit, inaccoutrement and financing.

但是,对于消费者导向的公司而言,放弃博客等于错过了口碑营销、监听客户关怀和最重要的——表现他们人性化的机会。But consumer-oriented companies that abjure the blogosphere are missing out on opportunities to generate buzz, monitor customer concerns, and -- perhaps most importantly -- show their human side.