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整个装置为50公分高。Entire unit is 50cm high.

这简直是个玩具储存室!It's an entire toy store!

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管理整个零件厂质量部。Manage the entire QA Dept.

习惯剔牙好不好?The entire adult teeth good?

像是含住了他的整个生命。As if it was his entire life.

全般世界起头复苏了。The entire world is reviving.

当然是能够评估整个人生。We can evaluate entire lives.

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安装整个横梁。Install the entire crossmember.

假设整个名单。Suppose that's the entire list.

人困马乏。The entire force was exhausted.

整个市场都开始下滑。The entire market was crushing.

让这个感觉充满你整个身体。Let it suffuse your entire body!

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可是门都封起来了。But if the entire kiln is sealed.

很快,整个城市淹没于火海中。Soon, the entire city was ablaze.

整个街区银装素裹,洁白无暇。The entire block is white, clean.

但是OpenDNS会缓存整个网络。But OpenDNS caches the entire Web.

此处是全园的精华。Here is the entire garden essence.

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我全家都认为我有花柳病。My entire family thinks I have VD.

那就是整个GDP都无法再投资。The entire GDP cannot be invested.

全码扑克,促销中。The entire code poker, promotions.