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后来就一直放在上面没有更新。Later all the time superpose was not updated.

把你的网站要害词语都放在上面但是不能太多!The website key term you superpose but cannot too much!

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最后讨论零点不同的电势如何进行叠加。Eventually, it debates how to superpose the electric potential when the zero point is different.

该运算法则最起码能排列和重叠相同的结构。As a minimum requirement, the algorithm should be able to align and superpose identical structures.

纵观陈凯歌电影创作流变,却是主导与叠加的姿态呈现。Through panoramic view of Chen Kaige's movie creation, trends and changes are dominate and superpose.

在这种情况下,各次地震的前兆场之间的相互叠加是不可避免的。In this case, it is necessary that the precursor fields are formed by every earthquake to superpose mutually.

分析了影响高速切纸机中纸张搭结的因素,给出了控制方法。This paper analyses factors of influencing papers superpose in high-speed cut paper machine, puts forward the control method.

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此外,连续叠加加筋环还可用于建造大型柔性仓储建筑物以及建造垃圾填埋场等。Besides sequence superpose reinforced hoop can use for build large flexibility storage building or build trash landfill field.

文中介绍了字符叠加芯片SD01C01的性能特点及其在摄象监视系统中的应用。The performance of the character superpose chip SD01C01 and the application in camera watch system are described in this paper.

敦煌莫高窟天井图样以四角叠涩形式为主要特征。The Mogao Grottoes courtyard pattern of Dunhuang regards stagger and superpose forms of four corners as the main characteristic.

但简单的将这两个基波解进行线性迭加是没有意义的,因为它们的背景是非线性的。But if linearly superpose the two fundamental wave solution , it does not have the significance because their background are nonlinear.

在电缆屏蔽层叠加高频低幅电压信号,以凸现损耗电流波形,利用分形方法对采集到的损耗电流信号进行分析。We superpose a voltage with high frequency but low amplitude on the shielding layer of power cables to make the loss current more obvious.

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硬化或软化材料CT数统计值变化规律的差异对应着扰动因子的叠加与否。The rationality lies in the correspondence of CT value changing to whether or not superpose the disturbance factor D according to hardening or softening.

介绍了铆接工艺原理、铆接冲模结构设计、铆接工艺在电机定子铁心叠压中的应用,并总结了应用效果。Riveting principle, plunger die str uctur e design and riveting process utilized in motor stator core superpose press are introduced and sums up the applying results.

蜡和口香糖,用冰块放在上面一会儿,使冷冻收缩,然后轻轻刮起,再用湿抹布或用抹布蘸上适量的地板清洁剂擦拭。Wax and chewing gum, with ice cube superpose a little while, make frozen contraction, then gently sweep, reoccupy wet dishcloth or dip in with dishcloth on right amount floor cleaner is wiped.