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一位老师看她很有进取心,给她进行辅导。A teacher saw her gumption and mentored her.

但一旦股价下跌,他们就泄气了。But as soon as prices sink, so does their gumption.

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但是,你站出来点破这一点的确需要一些勇气。But it did take some gumption for you to come out and say it.

由于奈特在派对上的出色表现,她又回到了他的身边。She then went back to Nate after he finally showed some gumption at the ball.

在我的性格中,她已经发现的弱点缺少“进取心”。The flaw in my character which she had already spotted was lack of "gumption".

其他和我一样,没有“进取心”的人们都拉在了后面,只能站或坐在地上。Those like me who didn't have the gumption to do the same were left to stand or sit on the floor.

巴恩斯和贝尔一样,位列少数积极向科比学习,和他一样有进取心的联盟球员中。Barnes, like Bell, ranks among the few players in the NBA with the gumption to get in Kobe's face.

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她有魄力直接写信给公司经理并且劝说他给她一个工作。She had the gumption to write directly to the company man ager and persuade him to give her a job.

我发现,除了想要获取个性的反抗之心外,我还有一种明显的感恩之情。I've found that alongside my rebel's gumption for individuality stands a palpable sense of gratitude.

因此,培养自己的危机感,始终保持着进取心,这就是我们要从岛民身上所学的!We should keep our feeling with crisis and always have gumption which is what we need learned from islanders.

护士的事业心、进取心和职业精神是培训成功的根本保证。The fundamental assurance for an effective training includes nurses' enterprise, gumption and professionalism.

从某种意义上来说,这是因为有害谣言的经济破坏力是进取心和主动性都无法压倒的。In part, that's because the economic power of fuhyo — rumor — is a force that even gumption and initiative can't combat.

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由消费者心理支配的社会能否有这种政治智慧,为了长远目标而储蓄并作出牺牲呢?Do societies dominated by a consumer mentality have the political gumption anymore to save and sacrifice for the longer term?

记住,能成功做到有那个精力和金钱来体验旅游和欣赏外国文化的人并不多。Remember, not many people manage to scrape together the gumption and cash to experience travel and appreciate foreign cultures.

求高尚的心智、深远的着眼点、慷慨的风度、豪迈的度量、大无畏的气概、崇高的精神境界。It applies for high grade psyche, great vision, generous demeanor and heroic measure, undaunted gumption and lofty mental realm.

还不清楚他们是否会壮着胆儿进驻主导保健领域的大公司和医疗保健组织的阵地。And it’s unclear whether they will ever develop the gumption to take on the big companies and healthcare organizations that dominate healthcare.

平凡、特别、传统、开放、时尚、朴素、进取、退舍等集于一身,深知世故却保持一颗纯真的心。All in one with ordinary, especial, tradition, open, vogue , simplicity, gumption , eremitic etc, deeply understood world but who is keeping a lily-white heart.