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光线使软片上起雾翳。Light has fogged this film.

蒸汽使我的眼镜模糊不清。The steam fogged my glasses.

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我们的照片很模糊。Something fogged our picture.

这些插枝都已经腐烂了。The cutting have all fogged off.

蒸气使我的眼镜模糊不清。The steam has fogged the mirror.

如果我喷到你,你一定会原谅我的!We're really sorry we fogged you.

缺乏睡眠使她头昏脑胀。Lack of sleep had fogged her mind.

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镜子因蒙上水气而模糊不清。The mirror fogged up with the steam.

水蒸气遮住浴室的镜子。Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.

水蒸气把浴室里的镜子遮住了。Steam has fogged the bathroom mirror.

如果我喷到你,你一定会原谅我的!I mean you'd forgive me if I fogged you.

窗户上雾蒙蒙一片,很难看到外面的东西。It was difficult to see through the fogged up windows.

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那个飞行员因机场为浓雾笼罩而不能回来。The pilot could not return because the airfield had fogged up.

当恶劣的天气使港口被雾笼罩时,船舶停泊在港口外。When foul weather fogged the port, the ships anchored outside.

她停下来,睡眼惺忪地朝门口瞟了一眼。She paused and looked towards the door with eyes fogged by sleep.

她伤心地看着灰蒙蒙的后院里一只灰色的猫正沿着一道灰色的篱笆走着。Feeling sad, she saw a grey cat walking on the fence in the fogged backyard.

不知怎的,乡村似乎到处都是人的痕迹,却没被真正碰触过。The country, seems, somehow, fogged over with people, and yet not really touched.

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内潜影颗粒可以通过带巯基的显影防灰雾剂加以保护。The fogged internal latent image grains are protected by mercapto development antifoggants.

不要信任醉汉说的一切。太多麦芽酒已模糊了他的视力和他的正确的判断力。Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his vision and his good sense.

在剧场那烟雾缭绕、酒气熏天、浑浊不堪的氛围中,小姑娘登场了,带着一丝古希腊的气息。In a fogged atmosphere of stale beer and tobacco smoke the girl appeared, a breath of ancient Greece.