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她的角色都不太讨人喜欢。Her characters are not very endearing.

这些就是业米希人,一个屹立不动令人喜爱的民族。These are the Amish, an enduring and endearing people.

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爱的年轻的恋人们藐视一切困难和期望。Endearing young lovers defying all odds and expectations.

派格登如此坦言自己的偏见,简直到了可爱的程度。He is so frank about his prejudices as to be almost endearing.

事实上,在生物学上臭虫是有几个难得的可爱的特点的。In fact, precious few aspects of bedbug biology are endearing.

摘下贴在他身上的标签,托尼还有很多讨人喜欢的地方。Tony has many endearing qualities when you look beyond the label.

他尽量使其扮演的角色风趣同时又非常讨人喜欢。He manages to pull off being funny and incredibly endearing at the same time.

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一天,明莉遇见了一只流浪的小狗狗,看它着实惹人喜爱,就收养了它。One day, Ming Li met a stray little dog to see if it really endearing to adopt it.

如果你伴侣的怪癖是可以忍受的,那你还挺不错的。Even you! If your partner's quirks are endearing or tolerable, you're in good shape.

这是部可爱的电视剧,有着讨人喜欢的和一些令人恼火的角色,看着很有趣。It's a cute show, with some endearing and some irritating characters, and it's fun to watch.

用全部是大写的消息告诉用户“你没有正确完成该表单”一点儿也不讨人喜欢。Full-caps messages telling the visitor that “YOU COMPLETED THE FORM INCORRECTLY” aren’t exactly endearing.

女孩朱诺是一个惹人怜爱的角色,当面对问题时,她以一种自潮的方式化解,并像成年人那样做出决定。Juno is an endearing character who uses irony to cope with her overwhelming issues and adult-size decision-making.

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与此同时,其他的昆曲剧目也纷纷开始以各种形式登上舞台,走向大众。Meanwhile, other plays in the Kunqu repertoire have also come back to the stage, endearing themselves to the public.

虎头鞋是用布做的虎头图饰缝制在童鞋鞋面上而成,造型夸张,十分可爱。It is still customary in many rural areas to dress infants in tiger shoes decorated with endearing cloth tiger heads.

塞巴斯蒂安在无路可走的时候选择了一扇开着的窗户,这样做带有一种疯狂和可爱的有条不紊的风度。There was also a kind of insane and endearing orderliness about Sebastian's choice, in his extremity, of an open window.

据称这会使象产生愉快的感觉,其效果又通过用亲昵的称呼而得到加强。This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets.

据说这是为了使象产生愉快的感觉,为了加强这种效果。This is supposed to induce pleasurable sensations in the elephant, and its effects are reinforced by the use of endearing epithets.

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连雀来自于北部森林,对于人类几乎一无所知,对于人类的靠近也几乎毫不在意,这点倒也惹人喜爱。Hailing from northern forests, they know little of people and have the endearing habit of being almost wholly indifferent to human approach.

当然了,他吃意大利面时吧唧嘴的样子像个孩子,她点菜总要花上20分钟的时间……这些怪癖也许恰恰促成了你们后来的爱情。Sure, the way he slurps his spaghetti like a child or the way she always takes 20 minutes to order might become an endearing quirk later on.

就在我探访这座城市的这几天,类似的怪事逐渐显现了,这些事与其说它了无生趣,还不如说挺讨人喜欢的。As I explored the city over the last few days, quirks like these gradually loomed more endearing than enervating, and there were many of them.