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里克列文,规则培训宣言Rick Levine, The Cluetrain Manifesto

我是一名黑客,以上是我的宣言。I am a raver, and this is my manifesto.

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一个西方世界的标语在东方重现。A western world manifesto reimagined in the east.

但是也不能把这封信说成是一项宣言。But the letter was not intended to be a manifesto.

签署宣言拯救大众远离黑暗面。Sign the manifesto and turn VW away from the Dark Side.

尤其是托利党的宣言,是一长令人瞠目的赌博。And the Tory manifesto in particular is a stunning gamble.

我们认为,宣言草稿的大部分内容都是合理的。In our view, large parts of the draft Manifesto are sensible.

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这项工程叫做“39乔治五世”,是城市超现实主义的宣言。The project is named"39GeorgeV" is an urban surrealism manifesto.

今年人们庆祝了敏捷宣言发布10周年。This year the Agile Manifesto celebrates its 10 year anniversary.

蔷薇十字会的宣言对欧洲造成相当大的震动。The Rosicrucian manifesto created quite a stir in European circles.

这篇宣言是给他们的——世界上的“激情创意者”。This manifesto is for them—the “passionate creatives” of the world.

所以,从怎样引导和一个改变的宣言方面来考虑一下这些条目。So consider this list both a How-To guide and a manifesto for change.

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以下是我将阐述债务之所以可恶的原因以及针对债务你需要做些什么。Here’s my manifesto on why debt is bad and what you need to do about it.

这很可能招致一份大胆的工党宣言和一个谨慎的托利党宣言。This might have prompted a bold Labour manifesto and a cautious Tory one.

竞选人中的另外一个人,阿贝德·巴沃尼克有个不错的宣言,但是面临着不小的问题。One man, Abed Bwanika, has a good manifesto but has faced a large problem.

这份宣言的签名是安德鲁·贝里克,是嫌疑犯安德斯·贝林·布雷维克的英文译名。The manifesto was signed Andrew Berwick, an Anglicized version of his name.

一份选举宣言就是最终评定某一政党的权利到底在哪。An election manifesto is the ultimate audit of where power lies within a party.

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其前言作为一个典型的宣言晚十九世纪自然主义。Its preface serves as a classic manifesto of late-nineteenth century naturalism.

我们的宣言是改革版权法并逐步废除专利体系。Our manifesto is to reform copyright laws and gradually abolish the patent system.

这篇宣言,区分了三民主义的两个历史时代。The manifesto marks off the two epochs in the history of the Three People's Principles.