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她内心因愤懑而感到痛苦。Resentment festered in her mind.

心中的愤恨有增无减。The resentment festered in his mind.

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怨恨与愤怒在他的内心翻腾。Resentment and rage seethe within him.

情绪暴躁是怨愤的征兆。Grumpiness can be a sign of resentment.

跟人家怨恨不解,的确是性格上的一个阴影可是你对于自己的缺点,已经挑剔得很严格。Implacable resentment is a shade in a character.

她对继母怀有怨恨。She harboured resentment against her stepmother.

怨恨下的非理性思考?What irrational thinking underlies my resentment?

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对这种明目张胆的入侵感到怒不可遏。Resentment flared at such an unmannered intrusion.

在邦无怨,在家无怨。In the state without rancor, no resentment at home.

每个人都会为受到不公平的待遇而感到愤慨。Everyone feels resentment at being treated unfairly.

我知道她对我怀恨在心。I know she cherishes a secret resentment against me.

别让你的怨恨郁积起来。All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out.

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纠正同事的错误,会反遭怨恨。Correcting a colleague's mistake could breed resentment.

我现在可以感觉到生气了,但我把它跟愤恨划清界限。I can feel anger now, but I draw the line at resentment.

我的丈夫十分清楚我滋滋作响的怨恨。My husband was all too aware of my simmering resentment.

首先,不论你可能有任何怨恨,你都要克服摆脱它。Start by getting rid of whatever resentment you may have.

阿公轻轻一句话,把所有几十年的怨都抹消掉了。The grandpa's few words wiped away decades of resentment.

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民众的不满爆发,发动了革命。Popular resentment boiled over, and the revolution started.

她那颗心生来只会爱别人,善待别人,不会记恨别人。Her heart is made for love and kindness, not for resentment.

对莫斯科以及那些遥远的官僚的憎恶情绪,正处于上升势头。Resentment of Moscow and its far-away bureaucrats is rising.