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犯错误乃一种人性,而宽容则是一种神性。To arris human, to forgive is divine.

柔弱的木质藤本植物,茎四棱。Effeminate woodiness liana, bine 4 arris.

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封边还应是圆角,不能直棱直角。Sealing side still should be round horn, cannot straight arris is orthogonal.

鞋楦是制鞋的基准,楦底部棱边在制鞋工艺中具有重要作用。Last is the benchmark of shoe manufacture and its bottom arris is of great importance.

三棱比较罕见。想破甲功能应特别强。Three- arris one is rather rare, and the piercing function should be especially better.

依据钢桥设计中所采用的钢梁棱角焊缝构造细节形式,模拟设计制备了该细节的疲劳试件。Fatigue specimens of the details were made in accordance with the patterns of the arris weld.

他见到那女孩便疯狂地扑上去,没想到那女孩的一句话吓得他楞了半天。He sees that girl attacks wildly, a word that did not think of that girl is frightened his arris a long time.

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本文研究了钢桥钢梁中棱角焊缝构造细节的疲劳问题。In this paper, the fatigue problem of beam joints of steel bridges is studied through examining the arris weld.

第二被告人,牧振文的儿子,在法庭上始终斜楞着身子。Person of the 2nd the accused, mu Zhenwen's son, inclined from beginning to end on the court arris is worn body.

另外,格子见棱见角的几何型样式使整间卧室具有一种别致的建筑气质。Additional, the geometry that grid sees arris sees role style makes whole bedroom has a kind of chic building temperament.

GP棱角钢砂此种磨料新制成时,是尖棱状的,使用过程中棱角很快就被磨圆,特别适合于去除氧化皮作业。GP ARRIS STEEL GRIT Angular when new, this grit rapidly rounds off in use and is particularly suited to descaling applications.

茎丛生,枝开展,拱形下垂,小枝绿色,微有四棱状,髓心薄片状。The bine is fascicular , the branch is begun, vaulted and flagging, rod green, small have 4 arris state, shape of pith heart chip.

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她的长相、她的衣着、她的举止,也都是圆墩墩的,没棱没角的,没所谓的样子。Her appearance, her dress, her bearing, also be round mound mound, do not have arris to do not have horn, do not have so called appearance.

本文提出了一种新型的、位于金属多面体棱上、由多面体内部微带线馈电的缝隙微带天线。A novel microstrip slot antenna was presented here, which located on the arris of polyhedron and was fed by microstrip line inside the polyhedron.

利用单元棱边法对驱动线圈进行了分析,给出了磁场分布状况。Use that the law on unit arris side has been in progress the analysis to the drive coil, and gave out the distribution condition in magnetic field.

②搅拌轴螺棱间不发生干涉,优化了搅拌轴螺杆参数。In addition, the nonintervention condition of screw arris of the stirring shafts is obtained and the screw parameter of stirring shaft is optimized.

那只与红木家惋同时出现的窗棱,在如此氛围的房间中,却成为东西方文化的交融。The window arris that appears at the same time with annatto home sigh only then, in the room of such atmosphere, become what thing Fang Wen changes to blend however.

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教了一辈子书的老许这次撒了个谎,楞是从开发商手上要了一套他认为一家三口够住的小户型。The Laoxu that taught a book all one's life scattered a lie this, arris is wanted from development business hand he thinks a 3 small family that the mouth stays in quite.

中国女性鼻子以玲珑剔透、端正有棱、鼻翅适中为美,与韩国女性的容貌特征还是有所不同的。Chinese female nose with exquisitely carved, decorous moderate of arris , nose wing is the United States, still differ somewhat with the appearance feature of Korea female.

采用中国传统经典窗棱镂空设计元素,镶嵌青花瓷。创意独到、匠心独具,集实用、艺术、欣赏、收藏为一体。Using traditional Chinese classic window arris hollow out design elements, blue Mosaic. Creative original, the craftsmanship, set practical, art, appreciate, the collection as one.