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神经系统和大脑需要营养物质。The nervous system and cerebrum require nutrition.

大脑在睡眠的时候也会受到磁场的影响。Cerebrum is also influenced by magnetic field during sleep.

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鼻炎会危害大脑吗?是否会记忆力减退?。Can rhinitis endanger cerebrum ? Whether to meet does memory drop?

它们的两个大脑半球在交替休息。Their double hemisheres of cerebrum could to rest with alternating.

偶尔看恐怖的东西刺激大脑是好是坏?。Now and then is seeing bloodcurdling thing stimulate cerebrum good be bad?

透明隔移位的测量提示透明隔偏离大脑镰及中线。Measurement showed the septum pellucid deviated from falx cerebrum and midline.

身体不同部位的运动是靠大脑不同部位控制的。Different parts of the cerebrum are responsible for moving different body parts.

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如果你把大脑拿出来并展开,它可能会有一个枕头套那么大。If you took the cerebrum out and spread it out, it would be the size of a pillowcase.

基于这一机制和特点,初步提出了大脑协同学的一些基本原理和方法。Then several principles and methods of the cerebrum synergetics are proposed firstly.

剥离这种大脑的保护层能让大脑显得更加平整。Stripping the cerebrum of this protective layer allows the brain to be sliced more evenly.

健身益寿茶以绿茶为载体,具有兴奋大脑和心脑的功能。The tea chooses geen tea as the carrier, and has the function to excite cerebrum and heart.

大脑半球是最常见的受累部位,之后是脑干、中脑和小脑。Cerebrum is the most common site involved, followed by brainstem, mid-brain, and cerebellum.

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大脑实在是太大以至于它必须要变得褶皱才能放在我们的头颅里。The cerebrum is so large that it must be wrinkled and creased in order to fit inside our head.

大脑中的特定区域负责处理这些不同的信息。Specific areas of the cerebrum are in charge of processing these different types of information.

在冷冻前,人脑样本必须被切成1厘米厚的小片。The large human cerebrum must be cut into small pieces, 1 centimeter thick, before it is frozen.

如果心理事实是相关于你的持存,你会是那个有你大脑的那个人。If psychological facts are at all relevant to our persistence, you will be the one who gets your cerebrum.

图中展示的是被放置在干冰中冷冻的一片人脑切片,研究人员为它穿上一件蓝色羧甲基纤维素“外衣”。A slice of human cerebrum freezes in dry ice, embedded in a stabilizing coat of blue carboxymethylcellulose.

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结果TAEP对小鼠脑MAO-B具有明显的激活作用,并具有对抗烟肼酰胺抑制小鼠脑MAO-B活性的作用。Results TAEP can markedly activate MAO B in cerebrum and antagonise the inhibition of MAO B activity by nialamide.

即使大脑对基础生存反应来说是不必要的,我们仍然需要使用多于百分之10的大脑。While the cerebrum is unnecessary for basic survival responses, we still use far more than 10 percent of our brains.

若人整天焦躁不安、怒气攻心,大脑就会产生“去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素”的“毒性”荷尔蒙。If the person feels anxious and angry all day, his cerebrum will produce toxic hormones called " noradrenalin and adrenalin".