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格辛•张伯伦报道。Gethin Chamberlain reports.

我的选择是贾霸张伯伦。Joba Chamberlain is my pick.

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你和我一起开车去钱柏林,好吗?Would you drive into Chamberlain with me?

张伯伦意识到了癌症的残忍。Chamberlain realizes the enormity of a cancer diagnosis.

张伯伦·冯是一个计算机工程师,生活在旧金山。Chamberlain Fong is a computer engineer living in San Francisco.

宋皇后叫内侍王继恩把皇子德芳叫来。Song Wang Jien Queen told the chamberlain to Prince Defang called.

我看见食人国的国王了,他一不留神,把自己的宠臣吃了。I saw the king of the cannibals , who ate his chamberlain by mistake.

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国王命令侍卫长马上把犯人带来。The king ordered the Grand Chamberlain to bring the prisoner immediately.

自英国有宫务大臣以来,奥巴马也许是最糟糕的外交策略政治家了。Obama is perhaps the worst foreign policy politician since Lord Chamberlain.

在此战中,张伯伦被一颗冲力已尽的子弹轻伤足部。Chamberlain was slightly wounded in the foot at th at battle by a spent bullet.

只需一天的时间,就足已让我从季后赛输给印地安人队一役中平复过来。Chamberlain said getting over the playoff loss to the Indians "took me about a day."

泛德运动在某种程度上讲,是英国人休斯顿·张伯伦造成的。The Pan-German movement was in part the creation of an Englishman, Houston Chamberlain.

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休斯和张伯伦在凯许曼和他的球探部门心中将来可能就是第一号先发投手。Hughes and Chamberlain could be No. 1 starters in the minds of Cashman and his scouting staff.

张伯伦先生则满心想安抚他,感化他,教他温文知礼。Mr. Chamberlain had cherished the hope of appeasing and reforming him and leading him to grace.

一个政治鉴赏家能品味尼维尔·张伯伦或温斯顿·丘吉尔的诡计。A connoisseur of politics can savor the machinations of a Neville Chamberlain or Winston Churchill.

郑和姿貌才智,在内侍当中无人可比,是领航远洋的最佳人选。Cheng-tzu Maung intelligence, the chamberlain unrivaled which is navigating offshore the best choice.

洋基队相信这就是为什麽吉叔让张伯伦在星期三投了35个球。That is what the Yankees believe, and that is why Girardi let Chamberlain throw 35 pitches Wednesday.

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小张可能在未来的几个月都还不会在先发位置上登板,但他和小王相处的极为融佮。Chamberlain would not make his major-league debut for several more months, but he and Wang hit it off.

他不知道内维尔?张伯伦有一颗坚强的心,不愿受人欺骗。He did not realise that Neville Chamberlain had a very hard core, and that he did not like being cheated.

此外,当患有脑肿瘤与多发性硬化症时,张伯伦说,病人的人格可能会发生变化。In addition, with brain tumors and multiple sclerosis, Chamberlain says, a patient's personality can change.