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苏茜·阿诺特是一位生物学家。Susi Arnott is a biologist.

一位生物学家再一次割除了一个鲸眼球。Again, a biologist cuts out an eyeball.

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这位生物学家提出了一个有关生命的新学说。The biologist advanced a new theory of life.

这是生物学家霍尔丹的描述。And here's an illustration by the biologist Haldane.

弗莱明是苏格兰生物学家,药学家。Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist.

您现在正在收听巴西生物学家保罗穆迪尼奥的讲说。You are listening to Brazilian biologist Paulo Moutinho.

不过同类互知,那么这个生物学家他自己必须是猫Takes one to know one so the biologist must himself be a cat.

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这个理论是由著名的英国生物学家提出的。This theory was advanced by Mambos, a famous British biologist.

但是海洋生物学家说,劳干儿子,这是他的梦想。But marine biologist Lloyd Godson says it's been a dream of his.

阐明了形质遗传染色体学说理论的美国生物学家。U. S. biologist who formulated the chromosome theory of heredity.

生物学家拿出标本箱,一件一件地把标本拿出来。The biologist brought out specimen box and showed the items one by one.

尚永丰院士是我国著名生物化学与分子生物学家。Academician Shang Yongfeng is a famous biochemist and molecular biologist.

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事实上经历了一个世纪后没有任何生物学家还相信这一论调。True, no biologist has really believed in vitalism for more than a century.

比如说,生物学家,或者动物学家可能会研究猫Well, let's see, a biologist might study, or a zoologist might study, cats.

蕾切尔·卡逊是美国著名的海洋生物学家和畅销书作家。Rachel Carson is a famous marine biologist and bestseller writer of America.

一位权威癿生物学家解释了为什举虫子使这个世界上最成功癿设计。A leading biologist explains why bugs are the world's most successful design.

这是贝丝•夏皮罗,宾夕法尼亚州立大学的分子生物学家。That is Beth Shapiro, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University.

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一位业余的生物学家邀请孩子们从池塘里收集爬虫。An amateur biologist invites them to gather creepy-crawlies from a nearby pond.

您正收听的是对耶鲁大学进化生物学家理查德•普鲁姆的采访。You are listening to Richard Prum, an evolutionary biologist at Yale University.

拉兰德博士是苏格兰圣安德鲁斯大学的进化生物学家。Dr. Laland is an evolutionary biologist at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.