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他用一把铅笔刀撬开锁。He forced the lock with a penknife.

他们拿走了我的皮带,铅笔刀和手表。They took my belt , my penknife and my watch.

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常用的工具包括铲子、小刀以及刷子。Common tools include the trowel, penknife and brush.

甚至铁路似乎也只是用铅笔刀随意刮出来的。Even the railroads seem only scratched in with a penknife.

在我小时候我就有一把削笔刀,是的,我伤到了我自己。I had a penknife when I was young, and yes, I did cut myself.

打火机,口香糖,睫毛膏,隐形眼镜,钥匙,折叠刀…Lighter, Chewing gum, Mascara, Contact lenses, Key, Cigar, Penknife.

活字模是木块做的,是他用削笔刀刻出来的。The types were made of pieces of wood that he had whittled out with his penknife.

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一个警察抓住了一个淘气的小男孩,这男孩一手拿铅笔刀,另一手抓着一只松鼠。A policeman caught a nasty little boy with a penknife in one hand and a squirrel in the other.

绘制航图基本靠曲线笔、小刀和浆糊,图上的注记用手写。Scale chart leans basically contour pen, penknife and sizy, on the graph note write down with handwritten.

我想我曾经用小刀在我们过去经常坐的地方的那棵柳树上刻下你的名字。I'm afraid I once damaged the environment in your name and took a penknife to the willow we used to sit by.

我一伸手,接住了小李飞刀的飞刀。这把小刀很好看哦。Once I stretch hand and connected the knife of fly of little Li3 Fei Dao. This pair of penknife good-looking.

在晚饭之后,几个人试图向涅斯捷罗夫解释,希望要回自己的小刀,而那些小刀现在都保管在医生手里。After dinner orderly tries to explain to Nesterov that he needs his penknife back, which remained with their staff doctor.

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他对发明的兴趣最早源于到童年,那时的他就已设计了一款可装进小折刀的叉匙。His appetite for inventions went back to his childhood, when he had devised a fork and spoon that could fit into a penknife.

夏天一愣,小凡也愣住了,都不明白他突然在这个时候要小刀做什么?In summer one Leng, small any is likewise stunned dumb, all not know what does he suddenly want penknife to do in this time?

原来你是假装要缓和一下刚才的无礼态度,抚慰我使我心平气和,而实际上你是在我耳朵下面狡猾地捅了一刀。And so, under pretence of softening the previous outrage, of stroking and soothing me into placidity, you stick a sly penknife under my ear!

女佣把一位客人的铅笔刀藏在她主人房间里,人们不久就发现这把铅笔刀在桌布下面,她就装模作样地把它拿出来。The waiting woman who secreted the penknife of a guest in her master's house afterwards discovers it under the table-cloth, and ostentatiously produces it.

女仆在主人家里偷了宾客的袖珍折刀,之后又在台布下面把它找回,并装模作样地拿出来。The waiting-woman who secreted the penknife of a guest in her master's house afterwards discovers it under the table-cloth, and ostentatiously produces it.

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在黑暗中,我尽量悄无声息地从上衣口袋里拿出了瑞士军刀,两英寸的钝刀锋像一根冰棍那样难以致人于死地。As quietly as I could I rummaged in the dark for my coat and pulled out my Swiss Army penknife. Its blunt two-inch blade felt about as lethal as an iced-lolly stick.

抗战爆发,江小刀战斗在最惨烈的地方,二人的仇怨也随着战火的洗礼逐渐冲淡。War of resistance against aggression erupts, river penknife battle is in the place of the most miserable intense, the Chou Yuanye of 2 people the ablution as flames of war gradually diluent.