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投入到产品理事会中。Invest in a product council.

您是如何看待这个委员会的?How do you view that council?

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他召集众神商讨对策。He summoned the gods to council.

你曾听见神的密旨吗?Do you listen in on God's council?

联合国驻经社理事会的英文?。Economic and Social Council of UN.

那就让贵族议事会公开宣誓。So let the council swear publicly.

该委员会谴责新法律。The council denounced the new law.

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我的朋友被选进了市政议会。My friend got onto the city council.

通常来说是通过议会The answer, typically, is a council.

学生自治会下周要开会。The student council meets next week.

我们必须改革学生自治会。We have to reform the student council.

但是长老会自己选举成员的。But the council elects its own members.

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军事委员会代表告退。Deputy of Military council has resigned.

我是来自昴宿星高级议会的米拉。I am Mira from the Pleiadian high council.

这一问题将吵到联合国安理会去。The issue will go to the Security Council.

我向镇委会提交了一封信。I instrumented a letter to my town council.

委员会已批准破土动工。The council has approved to start building.

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这个跨部的委员会如何运作?How will the interdepartmental council work?

仙女座议会代表Tolec表示Andromeda Council representative Tolec states

受到国务院的点名批评。Get of the State Council call-over criticism.