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我们的社会是个世俗社会。Ours is a secular society.

没有世俗文化There's no secular culture.

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俗家领袖过得也不差。Secular leaders also did well.

这群人被叫着世俗唯灵论者。The group is called Secular Spiritualists.

一颗波澜不惊的心,再也受不了世俗。A tranquil heart, can not stand the secular.

是可以非宗教,完全非宗教。Or there can be secular ,completely secular.

世俗的荒凉,我却冷眼旁观。Secular ruined, though I will look on coldly.

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唱诗班既唱圣乐也唱世俗歌曲。The choir sings both sacred and secular music.

世俗的熏染和生活的捉弄。The influence and tease of the secular society.

如此的多感善愁,毫不在意世俗。Worry so many senses, and not care secular reality.

那可是上一个长期熊市中的熊中之熊。That was the heyday of the last secular bear market.

没有世俗的污染和悲伤,我乐开了花,独自一人。No secular pollution and sorrow, my joy bloom, alone.

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在这个世俗的世界你还相信有天长地久的爱情吗?Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world?

而世俗唯物主义的虚无也是他的抨击目标。He criticised too the emptiness of secular materialism.

世俗幸福的求祈与执守。Second, searching for and persist tO secular haPpiness.

在势利的世俗社会,他们被遗忘在孤僻的角落。In a secular society, they were forgotten in the corner.

安能以皓皓之白,而蒙世俗之尘埃乎?。security can Haohao of white, and almost dust mask secular?

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这是面对世俗大潮的最具挑战性的回应。This is the most challengeable response to the secular tide.

现代土耳其建国于1923年,是一个严格的政教分离国家。Modern Turkey was founded in 1923 as a strictly secular state.

这里面存在着严重的世俗与宗教的争论。There are serious moral arguments, both secular and religious.